
I love my MKV Rabbit but, until VW brings the Amarok to the US, I'm not interested in what they are selling.

Yes. Why didn't they just explain every god damned thing in the entire movie in the trailer? Maybe they should have made the trailer roughly 1 hour and 45 minutes and only made it available to people who buy tickets to see it?

It's just a RoboCop movie, man.

In related news:

This is the best joke on the internet today.

You should have all of the internets.

I clicked that star pretty hard. Fine work, sir.

Pure nonsense. We're not British so don't boil meat (that's a thing they do right?).

If you are not overly concerned with a true smokey flavor, you can braise the ribs in the oven or even a large slow cooker and finish them on the grill. Wrap your ribs in foil when braising, otherwise they will dry out. Using some


Nobody can really "define" what makes someone a good actor.

The "doesn't he deserve a chance" statement confuses me, this list of movies he has acted in seems to be long enough that we have, by this point, given him a chance. The fact that, in the few Jobs trailers I have seen, he is just delivering lines in the EXACT

Why oh why can't we just have this damn truck?

Troll hard, dipshit.

I just read the rest of your comments. You sound like you're a 16 year old that just discovered having strong opinions, but because you're 16 they are all about utterly trivial shit.

Try to enjoy things, stop letting yourself make yourself so miserable.

It shouldn't really strike you as a compelling argument for why you should like this movie, as my comment was simply stating why I like it.

Just about everything. You can ignore that silliness of the science since that isn't really what the movie is about — it's a space madness movie. And it's hard to make a bad space-madness movie.

You mean The Internet?

Someone just inserted Neil deGrasse Tyson into the trailer for The Tree of Life?

I like what you've done here.

Yep. Me too.

I've watched the reaction and am UTTERLY confused by the negative comments, regarding his coaching. I understand if they are mad at him for leaving them. What fan wouldn't be? But for them, or anyone else to see this hire and say "that's a terrible hire, Arkansas!" makes me do that head tilt thing my dog does when I