
Well... If it's on the internet.

I had no idea science was a zero-sum game.

I love that the notice for that content is "Web Only"

And for this, you've been hearted.

Wait. This guy dated a crow? No wonder he has to use the internet to get dates.

Gawker: Your source for what is maybe a thing, but maybe isn't but look at that we still got like 4 or 5 paragraphs out of it, Dov Charney sex news, and also some celebrity gossip.

I wish posts/comments had a "like" button.

Anyone else having an issue with the icon popping up, loading about half way and disappearing? Has anyone had success with it after first having this happen?

"less than a mile in walking distance."

HAHAHA one more reason to stop on a channel airing Arena Football, scowl for several minutes and then laugh at how stupid it is.

That is such an insignificant element of jail breaking. Tweaking and customization seem to be the real meat and potatoes.

If that was what happened, they did a pretty good job. Considering they are "out of touch 50 year old journalists"

Alabama Black Snakes?

Yep. I don't see what the big is. They seem to have done a more than adequate job.

I see what you did there.

"But it's a virtual certainty that going 110 didn't kill him." Is this one of those weird nuanced arguments where you're saying that the literal act of driving 110 MPH didn't cause him to die?

Yeah. That is not what that voice is. Most importantly, you're not going to suddenly adopt that accent/dialect because you're excited or angry.

U trollin'?

The other night, someone at the bar here in FL sounded exactly like this women. What is that dialect/voice/sound? It can't be regional, can it? Where and how does someone develop it? It's the sort of voice that SNL actors use when they are playing a character from high society, or something.