
@wanderingrabbi: No. I understand what trash is, and I understand what the future is — I mean, I don't understand how that is a valid argument against gift cards.

Is it for a store you like and for a dollar amount that is practical?

In before the conspiracy theorists.

Ugh. See my reply. I can't seem to internet too good.

@Kung-Fu Kurtis Carnivale of Carnage: I'm glad I'm not the only one. It seems like such a simple thing to do that I thought there was something obvious I was missing. Especially considering how unhelpful the error message is.

I would like to change my password, but, when I try, I get a message that says my password save failed.

@Howard_the_J: You've made two posts. You're not really a part of it anyway. Luckily those nefarious folks that got your data didn't post anything making you look foolish...

Roofies make people pass out/forget things —- making it easy for someone to rape them; it doesn't get them hot and horny.

Me: Just sent over an updated invoice to reflect the Q4 discount pricing.

@Ben Zvan: I would really like to see if they could try and botch that link a little more.

@ldouglas956: The thing is, I didn't size the picture. The source picture looked fine. Sort of small, but fun. The comment system chose to stretch it out like that.

My favorite. Ummmmm cool picture. wtf?

"Under the leadership of executive director Bill Hancock (right)"

@DirtyDogg: But winning = money, so at the end of the day, it IS all about money.

@isuee94: Dang! I always forget that one!

This goes well beyond a lack of stop lights. This goes for an adventure deep into the realm of pure stupidity, a day trip into the world of not paying any attention to your surroundings and then for a beach party in general asshole-ish-ness.