@anydange: honestly.
@anydange: honestly.
@vodkanaut: We're not burning flags in protest, we're tailgating! This one is Carolina style BBQ!
@beiber: Since I can't upload the picture where I highlighted the exact spots, I'm not sure how else to explain it, but I'll try.
@Who-really-cares: You seem to be mistaken. What you are describing, the way you are describing it, is not a thing.
@baneyu: By asking him to think about what was happening you were simply asking too much. You know who else asks for too much? Terrorists.
@ryusen: Far too reasonable, sir. You sound FAR TOO REASONABLE.
@zaxwashere: Start your own blog?
If you don't like the things your job requires you to do, you should quit.
Normal level headed people would likely not lurk an ex on FB, but would also not suffer the same problem; he clearly has an anxiety disorder.
Assuming the yes or no question is fair, sure, but questions — even when simplified to request a simple yes or no answer — can still be loaded.
Should be live video feed. You, four loko and a room full of sober people. And tasks. It's been done, but it's always funny.
@Coup d’état: My post was not even approaching serious.
@beiber: well. this should have been a picture, but it failed.
@beiber: The second picture shows it clearly: [cache.gawkerassets.com]
@FriedPeeps: Yeah, that chrome bevel doesn't make any sense at all. Why wouldn't they make it a flush design with a minimal seam? Something that just make the phone look slightly thicker?
I actually don't think $70 is very much at all. I'm far more concerned with the protection the case may or may not provide and the build quality.
@Slinkytech: Who cares? It blows my mind.
@Merricat: That is the first thing I thought when I read this.
@LuciferV8: Not enough information about how to stop the reptilian shape shifters. Don't care.
@cycle-ops: I think the people who are scared that at any moment a menacing terrorist could pop up and crash a plane into them should probably suck it up.