
It must be difficult for companies like Facebook to find such comically inept employees.

Don't get particles in your iPhone case. Not that big of a deal.

I assure you, Gene. Nobody is pirating Kiss' music. Fuck, I hope nobody is listening to that horrible bullshit at all.

Rambo did that.

@Codemanjap: My bigger gripe was with the people who took offense in the first place. My jab at EA was just a side note.

@Vladplaya: Are you kidding? That's been the MO for just about every modern war-based game in the last 3 or 4 years. US forces invade Not-namedistan/non-specific eastern European country/ex-USSR, etc...

Good. I'm much more offended when my video game avatar, representing the US side of is killed by an avatar representing an enemy that exists in the real world, than when it is... oh wait. That would make me a complete idiot.

This makes me think of this. Worth reading every single hilarious word:

Also, the guy on the left just looks like a pretentious asshole. He and his fixie should haul ass or I am going to pick a fight with him for no other reason than looking like a dipshit.


@mtfmuffins: I assure you that is not actually an offensive reference.

@rashad123us: I particularly like when he made AIDS, Malaria, Cancer, gingers and meatloaf.

@silkworm: Is there kissing involved? If so, then no — that's gay.

@alexLmx6: On the upside, we aren't bombing desert planets yet...

@Weakskills: A planet full of cute transsexuals you say?

I don't remember reading about "Gliese 581g" in the Bible, so it obviously doesn't exist.

This looks pretty great.