
I would argue that there is actually less of a metallic taste from cans than bottles.

@takamarou: Years of planning, time, spending/hiding money, blending in, just to crash a crop duster into a building?

@Nebula Octon: "Obama and his cronies" those are your words, "stealing the rights of every american"[sic] once again, those are your words.

@Nebula Octon: Well, take it from a normal, non-conspiratorial level headed person, you're an idiot.

@bsh0544: I like that you slipped the "commie" bit in there. I almost did the same thing in my reply (ie the threat of terrorism is the new threat of communism) but I was afraid it would muck up the argument too much.

@grok_this: How did the plane get there? Certainly it had to fly from a location other than the area of the wind turbines.

@SkipErnst: Nope. It's a fact that terrorist tend to attack by hovering in large stationary clusters. Often in the middle-of-fucking-nowhere — ya know, where wind farms tend to be.

@MJDeviant: If I could promote this more, I would.

I think the big difference would be that wind turbines do not move from their location, a plane, jet, or helicopter would have to first travel to the area of the wind turbines and then simply stop moving.

Wacky mustache guy makes me hate this whole thing.

@CaptainJack: Seriously. That is a bizarre feature.

@ding-dang: And cut off jean shorts. I don't think the Capitol Police are the only police agency that need to pay this guy a visit.

@yyg: Brilliant!

Maybe it's the new over priced iDontcare.

I've always wondered what would happen if you were to track the migratory paterns of the functionally retarded.

After reading Gizmodo's post, I immediately purchased the app — it was the VERY first app I've paid for.

@froggy: AWE! Internet BFFs!