Global Beet

Well, I mean you *can* do all of those things. It’s just going to mean that some of the people that see you do it are going to feel unsafe, or like you’re doing it to try to make them feel unsafe, or like you’re a right-wing, racist dick. So why would you want to?

Non-controversial flag?  But... it’s a flag that white nationalists have glommed onto.  It’s a flag that the KKK puts on their flyers.  Kinda seems like it’s only non-controversial if you’re turning a blind eye to that shit.  

That flag isn’t controversial to white people, sure, but that’s the flag of a slave-holding nation. This is that white moderate thing Dr. King warned me about.

“Something shitty” “some shitty stuff”. You’re really going out of your way to ignore just what it is that Biden did or how it helped create the conditions that bred Trump. 

Except, y’know, her way is probably a decade too late and wasn’t really effective back when it was popular?

There is no difference between “Actually racist” and “just being racist for a reaction”.

You could say the same thing about taking out the ‘white’ part and leaving it as ‘rich straight men’ though. Multiracial women and women of color get a lot of crap from both white people and other poc over misogyny. It’s exhausting. There’s so much pressure on us to always put what hurts our men first sometimes, with

Yes. White men are the problem. Not white women like someone I could name but wont.

Meh. Maybe it’s because I’m coming off the weekend binge of When They See Us, but just removing white men and replacing them white women isn’t going to be the utopia it’s always presented to us as in feminist circles.

Can we do without rich, white, straight, overprivileged women as well? 

And since racist capitalist nature abhors a vacuum we’d white straight women instead.

I’ll say it...I’m in the minority who think Kojima is way overrated. Inexplicable, convoluted story-telling mixed with (up until very recently) dated gameplay (only recently adopting twin-stick movement) makes for an experience that is surpassed by SO many other games of the same vein and genre. When you need whole

You can have universal health care and private employer insurance too! Canadian here - all my hospital and doctor visits along with tests are covered through OHIP. My employer insurance gives me extended benefits like a private room for hospital stays, drug coverage, travel insurance, massage, chiropractor, physio,

“isn’t it about time to take a more nuanced look..”

Hey: nah. Blackface is bad. Darkening your skin tone to alter your perceived race, even for cosplay, is bad.

When? When are we going to demand higher standards for those who look like us when they are asking for our support? Why does shining a light and finding the truth bother so many of us? What does Bernie, Beto, or any other person have to do with the formation of my opinion about Harris? Are we grading on a curve here?

And I’ve grown tired of this attitude that we should just settle for any ole bitch, instead of looking for and working towards, and pushing being better. Perfection doesn’t exist. Every person who’s ever received commendations in their line of work will tell you that but that doesn’t mean they don’t get up and strive

“It’s nice to know that long after the sun dies out, and our species is forced deep underground to survive in the warm embrace of Earth’s fiery core”