Only profound dipshits use social justice warrior in a negative connotation or unironically.
Only profound dipshits use social justice warrior in a negative connotation or unironically.
“While a group of mostly white, mostly New York-based feminist bloggers were making their names in the aughts, it was the radical selfless activists on the margins of the blogosphere who erected the scaffolding for the feminist internet as we now know it today. As Brittney Cooper, co-founder of the Crunk Feminist…
Pete and Yang
I’ll always find it fascinating the level of support she managed to garner among democrats. She spent an entire career gleefully putting away people who look a lot like me and California’s democratic party puts her forth as the anointed one. She should have been dead in the water from the start but the fact she made…
This is the correct take. I’ll never not be flumoxed by the Root’s willingness to cape for the guy who created this *racist play.
One can only hope the root’s criticism of the play will hit these points
Nah. Not wasting any more time lambasting this clown but I will say the root’s milquetoast response to this step-and-fetchit sideshow is not a good look. For a site that’s usually on the ball when it comes to covering race, giving this dude publicity is a massive fumble.
First paragraph was soo many words to justify your God awful Christina Hendrix interview.
White guy laments bodega that was closed due to the gentrification he is ostensibly a contributing factor to. You would get along famously with the white character from Treme.
When will we accept the lesser of two evils with a Coke and a smile? The same question was asked in 2016 and we know the outcome. A big reason we’re forced to pick between bad and worse is because of concern trolls disingenuously scolding black people as if looking out for our rational self interests is a bridge too…
“It’s nice to know that long after the sun dies out, and our species is forced deep underground to survive in the warm embrace of Earth’s fiery core”
I guarantee that black people living in Canada experience the identical terror helplessness and rage this woman does. Let's not with the enlightened Canada nonsense
Black guy (Jamaican to be exact) here. Ask most Jamaicans, or any black person really, and they will tell you black pepper and salt do not count as spices. Salt and pepper should be a given.
But he never said your sister’s name. If you’re going to ironically use black idioms and lingo at least do it correctly.
As a Jamaican myself were having jerk turkey with copious amounts of curry goat and chicken
The meta irony of this article is triggering my atrophied sense of myrth.
YOu knw what never mind
I must admit, as a North Carolina based reporter, this post is spot on.
“take a break from trying to paint with all the colors of the wind”