
My gawd, Disneyland is the worst place on the planet. Why on earth would you take a date there?

This is the 11th time that’s happened for me

I agree with God.

“If there is a huge problem in America today, it is that we are losing a generation of young men,” he said.

I’m thinking book deals, speaking fees, etc. He wants his name out there so he can milk money out of frightened old Catholics who’re scared of the new pope.

What is Rick Santorum’s endgame? He obviously is not going to get the nomination, and he exhausted all his political capital in 2012. Is he trying to get a cable news gig? A secretary position? Does he just have that much misplaced pride? help me out here.

I cannot snort hard enough at the responsibilities of parenthood link. It looks like a martyrdom parenting meme and honestly, I think this degree of ridiculousness would only strengthen my pro-choice resolve. Seriously.


My first thought when the New York Times alert popped up was that this is especially terrible considering it's the anniversary of Pearl Harbor today. You know, the thing that led to Japanese internment and the national embarrassment that is the Korematsu decision? Yeah, thematically great day, bro.

Re: Frank Gaffney, Jr. Too nuts for CPAC. Think about it. TOO NUTS FOR CPAC.

Ok so I think we’re near the end here. There is no way that the party lets him get the nomination. Forget Goodwin’s Law Trump just Goodwind himself. There is no way the party will let their candidate go out there in the general election just to be slaughtered by whoever the Dems out forth. His ego is the only thing

Anybody else here just as outraged that she also mangled the English language by saying “could give a shit” instead of “couldn’t give a shit”? That just makes me itch.

Conservatives will ban whole people before they ban guns for a specific sub-set of those people that would make them dangerous.

Seeing all the other posts on her I guess I am behind the times, but I had no idea that anyone was interested on political commentary from Dionne from Clueless?? Seriously, does she have any kind of background at all aside from still looking great for her age - brief journalism job? Law degree she never used?

Did anyone ask a the follow-up question? What about the Muslims that are already in the US, what will The Donald do with/to them?

The problem with those lovely cream colored chunky blankets is that if I got one, it would never be washed and therefore would get Dog hair and cat hair and pizza sauce and cat pee and Chinese food sauce, and pot sticker sauce, and tikka masala sauce and white wine and red wine and vomit and period blood all over it

“Listen, my policy is going to be a YUUUUUUUGE success. Here’s how it works: everyone receives a Trump brand (TM) ham sandwich at Customs. These are the finest, most luxurious ham sandwiches you’ve ever seen, let me tell you. Top of the line ham sandwiches. Fine ham sandwiches (that are probably made in Shyna). Ham

“Yes, I do extreme “strobing” before a long winter’s nap. Contouring is strictly for sunbathing”.

The peeps who believe in his nonsense today don’t seem to have any upper limit to the bullshit they’ll swallow just to stick it to the establishment Republicans.

Sadly, I think his followers will always eat this shit up. Idk how the majority of Republicans think, though, until the Rubio/Christie/Bush mess sorts itself out to rally behind an establishment candidate.