
It's not the puffy male nipple we want, but it's the puffy male nipple we need.


This is the real war on Christmas.

Is there any other way to eat at Chilis other than angrily?

I'm just shocked - SHOCKED! - to learn that Erick Ericsson was raised by assholes.

Let’s be real Jia, do you think Eric Erickson ever gets invited to a party classy enough to have anything more than ranch dressing and velveeta as dips?

I kinda want Holland Taylor and Sarah Paulson to be my aunties... is that weird? I just feel like the brunches would be amazeballs.

for science man, for science

HIV+ is a blood type these days?


I wish there were more room in the modern media world for a bit more easy generosity between folks. It’s wearying to always be demanding apologies, you know? People goof. They say stupid shit. They get tired. And it sometimes feels like we’re all just waiting for someone to piss us off so we can purge some hateful

Thank you!!!! You said exactly what I was thinking. If you don't want to meet moms expectations for contact- don't take her money.

I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that the author thinks that financial help for an Ivy League education from your parents doesn’t require at least the modicum of respect of giving your parents an update on your life or responding to their texts. They're paying a ridiculous amount FOR YOU, so show them you care. Ugh.

I agree - this post is way over the top. Barring some dysfunctional family backstory, the adult child owes the parents polite behavior (returning calls, being nice) just as much as the parents owe the adult child polite behavior. Unless the adult child wants to break away from her parents entirely - including

I don’t know the situation but I think you are reading a lot into this. It sounds like a frustrated mom dealing with a major transition period in the relationship. The rest is just projection. Eta: and to add, young people also have to learn to have a relationship as an adult with their parents. It’s usually a mutual

“If you gave Jerry Falwell an enema, he could be buried in a matchbox.”

Trolls are drawn to blood like roaches to stale twinkies.

“If somebody’s feelings are legitimately hurt about that Christmas card, I think that might speak more to their conscience than the content of the card.”

The best part is seriously that it's from shutterfly.

the card: