
Y’know, my Dziadzia had to drop out of school in the sixth grade to support his family. His mother was a widow and he had four siblings, and he was the oldest. And even he knew how to write properly and conjugate verbs. These people write like they have the language skills of Ricky on “Trailer Park Boys”, only they’re

I finally quit smoking a year ago and I don’t really want to smoke anymore and I see now how truly gross it is.

There are a lot of men out there. And I don’t know most of them, but it seems pretty damn unlikely that there are nearly three and a half billion rapists just walking around like it’s normal. I think it’s time to climb down from the outrage pony. It’s had a long day and is very tired. There is nothing to be gained by

Because consensual BDSM play has nothing to do with actual rape. Many sex-positive feminists engage in BDSM without it conflicting or cancelling out their feminist politics.

Lots of women have rape fantasies. Please remember that kink shaming is not okay, and neither acting in nor viewing videos simulating rape is an endorsement of actual rape.

Usually I try to ignore but today with the pp article, I just couldn't. I had no idea what was in store. I actually got sad after awhile because these are actual people we all have to deal with in society.

Someone suggested to me that we can start discussions on serious topics in the celebrity articles if they stop posting serious news here.

It’s going to be unfortunate if they stop posting important news on Jez (and only put celebrity and gossip here). I like reading serious news here because we can have quality enlightening conversations about it. If all those articles move to Gawker, the comment sections will go downhill quickly. :(

*vomits everywhere* SERIOUSLY???

This kind of thinking perpetuates the myth that rape is an act formed from sexual desire, when it actually stems from power and control.

I know this has been going around a lot today/yesterday, but I have to say it here. The fact that people who are pro-“life” can rejoice in the senseless murder of three people is so idiotic.

I broke my “never read the comments” mantra on a Facebook newspost about the mass shooting. People were fucking celebrating, saying that it was a job well done, and that those people deserved it. And that it’s somehow Barack Obama’s fault and this guy looks like a typical liberal. Yeah, I went a little heavy on the

Oh, they’ll come. And we’ll flag and dismiss them.

Ferreals. Glad this post didn’t give voice to the assholes saying this was a good event because it happened at a PP. They have their own news story post.


I do as well. The amount of sheer lying, knowingly or unknowingly, but mostly knowingly, was astounding. If you stated that well, actually, the police stated that the target was the PP clinic, they would yell and harangue and do anything to not make it what it is.

The right wing, even the “normals” in this country have

That’s a scary as hell thought. The gofundme thing. Because I can totally see it both, happening and being vastly successful.

I’ve seen comments saying the people in the clinic got what they deserved, and calling him a “passionate defender of life”. I just don’t know what to say anymore to anyone.

This is so goddamn depressing.

Yes this man is A TERRORIST and I hope he is prosecuted to the full extent of the law as such.