
I did. Black ice don’t give two shits what tires you have on a 20% down grade. I was nose up after dropping to second and spinning for all I had.

‘Sir, did you, or did you not, grab this woman by the pussy?’ didn’t enter over drift? Weak.

Obviously to flood the world with, and make those of us descendants feel better about, impossible to phonetically pronounce last names.

Imposingly beautiful. All the pictures were shot in immaculate fashion. The design, build, and reality are perfection.

I’ll allow it (I’m also a straight, white male. And have a penis. It’s yuge, the best really. Basically I’m the ruling authority here.)

As someone that lived in the First State for many years, I’d like to offer a bit of insight.

Where I used the term in a comical way earlier (on my laptop burner), I’m being forced to look deeper into the phrase ‘uppity vagina’ in a more introspective sense.

How many times on Facebook have you seen those, ‘What’s your porn star name? It’s the street you grew up on and your first pets name!’ ‘Find your super hero name! It’s your grade school and your mother/father’s middle name!’

Professional orphan. Olivia Twist.

I get that our white supremacists and regressionists have felt super under represented for the past 175 years, but damn, didn’t realize this many still can’t let it go and just accept that, even on the base measure, hands and bodied are hands and bodies.

So what he’s really saying is, ‘yo, got media attention. What other cabinet slots are open?’

Signed on principl, but it’s super cute you think cheetolini’s presidency of the people includes giving two shits what the people think

Something happened today? Shit....I’m gonna have to check msn tomorrow. Black Knight was on at some ambiguous point and I correctly assumed there was no better watching available.

By sparks, are you referring to the way to willingly partered individuals interact? And the lack thereof, how someone effectively enslaved by someone does?