
Information obtained by NPR shows that military police tried to secure a non-lethal ‘heat ray’ to deploy against protesters near the White House in June. The request for the Active Denial System, from the lead military police officer in the Department of Defense for the D.C. region, came to nothing, the latest of

The hypocrisy is immeasurable. They cry that the government won’t give them the tools they need to keep them safe using the same data on police officer deaths that you just referenced. Every year they have Police Week (that’s right a whole fucking week) where they memorialize all those who died and how these needless

Covid-19 was the number one killer of police officers last year, but since it ain’t Black, cops have no interest in fighting it.

It is considered disrespectful to it, and against the flag code, but it lacks force of law. And these are assholes who put the flag on underwear, towels, rugs (fucking rugs, man, thrown on the ground to be tread and have feet wiped upon), and all sorts of other places the flag code says is disrespectful to the flag so

This is not a new pic but yet it continues to remain oh so relevant. 

I want Cali to secede; we’re the fifth largest economy in the WORLD…that way we don’t have to bail out the red states.

Seems that final line is calling Grimes a prostitute, and not in a “sex work is work” kind of way. I’m trying to think in what way that sentiment would be out of place on an MRA forum, and am coming up empty.

So I guess he's okay with incest then?

The real prank are the 20,000 untested rape kits sitting in evidence lockers here in Texas.

You mean the men in power could have eliminated rape all this time and they're just now getting started on it?

... you're making us think about republican weiners, this cannot be forgiven. 

“So, you’re saying you don’t go down?” the interviewer clarified.

Sure he’s cool with himself having the beer gut and letting it all hang out, lots of guys are.

Some hospitals are actually *asking* people to make homemade masks for them.

People are capable of recognizing both that the deaths of the other four people are a tragedy and that Kobe was a rapist scumbag who finally got what he deserved. The two views are not mutually exclusive.

The networks are seeming to have a hard time recalling this about him.  Lot’s about his scoring 80 points, his retirement, but NOTHING about his history regarding his payoff (not only to his victim but to his wife).  

Horrible for his kids, but I find it very hard to summon sympathy for this rapist son-of-a-bitch



I believe Warren. You’d have to believe she’d risk a bold-faced lie like this, and also that you couldn’t believe Bernie would say something like this. I can totally see Bernie saying something like this, least among them is because millions of Americans have made the exact same argument out loud without much shame.