
I only know a handful of people who are salaried, they are largely teachers so the workload to pay ratio is bleak. I work in admin for an independent physician’s office and aside from our practice manager and the providers, we are all hourly employees. I’d love a shorter work week! I’d love a shorter work day! But

She doesn’t have a billion dollar legal team

Yeah, I don’t get this either. Maybe if the psychic were promising something that was provably untrue (like if she promised riches and then presented the client with counterfeit money), but a LOT of people believe in devils and demons, and (though it seems very unlikely) she might actually have thought the daughter

So this is illegal, but it’s entirely ok for evangelists to swindle millions by telling their congregations that “salvation is only a check away”?

Was the child actually hurt? The mother? I’m going to call that fairly earned coin until we get rid of the BS double standard that allows federally recognized religions to

This doesn’t seem much worse than what Scientology or an lot of televangelists do.

Those body cameras need to be modified so that if they’re ever turned off, the officer’s supervisors immediately get an alert. Why they should be allowed to be turned off by the officers wearing them is also completely beyond me.

This sounds like I’m making it up, but I’m only allergic to ingredients from some flowering plants and, like, actual flowers. I can rub battery acid on my skin (and would if they sold it as a spa treatment!) but organic lavender? Count me out. Perfume in an elevator? Rash. Enough tretinoin to dissolve the skin off a

Thank you for reporting on this.

Men like him are deeply paranoid about his daughter meeting the 20 year old version of himself.

This made me remember back when my dad suspected I was dating he said he could take me to a doctor and he could verify if I was a virgin still, I wasn’t anymore, but I was 16 and I was terrified that he would find out, I just insisted that I was still one and to butt out, thankfully he dropped the topic, but I always

T.I. is very concerned about his daughter’s hymen. He’s so concerned that he recently told a podcast that he goes to the gynecologist every year to have the doctor “check” her hymen.

Funny, when my brother got mugged not once but twice, my parents never questioned the fact he was walking home alone late at night or that he had cash on him. The police took his statement like business as usual. My mother wanted to “catch the bastard that did this.”

I’m so jealous that you only pay $300.  I have a family of four and pay $1500/month.  And it sucks.  My husband had surgery and we paid out of pocket nearly $6,000 and I need an echocardiogram which is going to cost $2,000.  I fucking hate the healthcare system in this country.  M4All means that I don’t have to pay

It’s not “curious” that Warren won’t say middle class taxes will be raised, because middle class expenses will go down significantly (no out-of-pocket medical expenses). Yet the minute she says taxes will be raised, even within the context of the point, the GOP will pounce on the line and use it in every attack ad

I hear they also contain chemicals. CHEMICALS.

Even watching at home, the levels are bad - especially for action heavy films. My Roku remote has a “leveling” sound option that makes it possible to watch stuff without having to keep adjusting the volume. 

He’s not wrong - I can sit in one theater, watching a movie, and hear the explosion of another movie playing next door. It’s a bit disconcerting.

Ellen, GWB tried to put an anti-LGBT amendment in the Constitution because he was antsy about not getting a second term and needed to fire up the base. As in, he literally believed you and your wife weren’t entitled to the rights he has, which laid the foundation for Trump to win now.

Yup. The theory is that if we stop discriminating against transgender people, that will break the magical seal that we currently place on all women’s restroom doors, and will thereby allow pedophiles to enter and attack children, under the guise of being transgender women.