
It’s the hair. 90% of males with great hair try to coast through life without developing a personality, or hunting skills as the case may be

Okay I've read this book, and I would not have opened the doors because the Langoliers will get you.

To me, if a show doesn’t capture your attention/imagination in the first season, there’s no reason to continue. Yes, there are absolutely shows like Mad Men that arguably have their best episodes 3-4 seasons in, but you shouldn’t have to watch that far to know if you like it. That’s insane. Recently with Game of

I’ve read some other commenter make this suggestion before and I think it is a good idea: Trump loves putting his name on everything — so let’s do just that. These border camps should be rebranded as “Trumpcamps” — forever linking him to this act of abominable cruelty.

As someone who was diagnosed with autism, I can say one thing vaccines don’t cause autism, but autism will cause anti-vaxxers. I wasn’t formally diagnosed until I was an adult but my mom has told me she regrets having me vaccinated because she always had a feeling. Outside of this we still have a strong family relation

My autistic son is smarter than a lot of these people.

Audi. Bayer. Siemens. Thyssenkrupp. BMW. Deutsche Bank. You’d be hard pressed to find a German company founded before WW2 that DIDN’T have some relationship/ties to the Nazis.

“the teacher who was regularly intoxicated during class this year,”

Here’s how you to respond to Mean Girl, and your message will show up in her regular messages because she requested you. (I tested it once.)

Cool so I assume “sanctuary for the unborn” means that all pregnant women are free to come there and they will receive free room and board and have all their health care expenses paid as well.

True. I’m one of the only women in my field, and all the pre-meeting and lunch chatter is about either sports or hunting (SO BORING) so I usually show up just as meetings are starting and if it’s an all day meeting, I’ll go run errands and eat on my own during the break. But one all-day, highly contentious meeting was

They forgot to photoshop in Black people.  

You see, ladies, there’s the fake meeting/conference and the real meeting/conference.

So the male rapists still get parental rights though, yes?

The beauty of it is “not believing either of them” is an option.

I would consider these numbers an achievement if not for law professors Amy Chua and her husband Jay Rubenfeld telling female law students that those women had to look attractive because that’s what Kavanaugh valued in the hiring process.

Why the hell was this woman charged and why are her name and picture in the media? She is the alleged victim of a sexual assault.


Reading this shit makes my blood boil. I was stalked in college. The guy in question took video footage of me in secret for two years. He recorded conversations I had with other students for two years. He used to ride the same bus as me and I always thought that he lived farther down the line than I did, but once I