
Jeesh. Can you believe this shit. Back in my day a man would actually meet a woman and pay her to humiliate him. The internet just continues to destroy the concept of actual human contact. Get off the couch you lazy gimps. 

We are truly a failure as a culture and a species. May we all die in nuclear fire.

I’ve given birth twice and tore twice. I was explicit in my preference for NO EPISIOTOMY unless it was necessary to save the baby’s life or mine. I was lucky enough to give birth in a hospital that was ok with an unmedicated labor and was attended by a midwife who did things like pressing a warm towel against my

Today is 20 years since my rape. I did not need this shit today. I was mostly fine. Then I got this notification from WaPo and collapsed into tears in my front yard. I’m just done with this planet. 

And what’s the sentence for getting someone pregnant who doesn’t want to be pregnant?

They will outlaw abortions, but leave newborns to die if their parents can’t pay hospital bills.

no evidence or allegations (of) overt sexism or misogyny

Following anti-vaxxers’ logic, I now believe WWII German POW camps were full of wacky hi-jinks. My irrefutable source is Hogan’s Heroes.

I met Warren at her campaign launch and just after saying hello, her husband walked in with Bailey, I loudly gasped and immediately refocused the conversation on that beautiful angel while trying to pet him. 

This guy is a complete pile of shit, but “Weaponized Mulattoes” is a great name for a band.

It’s actually pretty par for the course, traditionally speaking.

Ok can we talk about the fact that when it’s girls acting strangely or violent, teachers/law enforcement/everyone are quick to take action and prevent tragedies.

As a domestic abuse victim, and you know, a non-psychopath, it fucking enrages me to see for how long Johnny Depp’s abuse was coddled by people around him and how many people including his exes, managers, whatever, came out of the woodwork to protect him, lie for him, and excuse his abuse publicly when most of them

I feel like some women ask to be treated the same and don’t really grasp how poorly most men treat each other.

I remember my dad getting all up in some woman’s face when she handed her kid a pen so he could write his name on something in a national park, back in the sixties. (Yes, I also remember the sixties!)

it’s a shame because a one-stop shop for health care would be fantastic! i had a recurring issue with my boob and the amount of hassle you have to go through to get it taken care of is insane! Multiple appointments with multiple doctors all on different days. It was an infection that they would treat with antibiotics,

One year when I was a young kid my dad, being an early riser, came pounding on our bedroom door saying we were going to be late for the bus. We all freaked out and ran downstairs. It was Saturday, April 1, and he had made pancakes. How is this hard, internet dipshits?

Unfortunately from my experience HR at big companies are a horse and pony show to protect the Company not the employees. They will settle this and nothing will change. It is a shame. 

Again, how hard is it to just not touch people? The last person I touched (outside a handshake) who wasn’t family or a close personal friend was someone I had to give the Heimlich maneuver to. If you are at work don’t hug people, don’t kiss them, don’t smell their f*cking hair, don’t give them a shoulder rub. It

It’s almost as if the Catholic Church is saying *just* enough things to sound open-minded, progressive, and modern to avoid having to do anything substantive.