
“So if you friend jumped off a bridge would you?”

It’s adorable that you believe there will still be textbooks in 50 years.

Eagerly awaiting the mental gymnastics it will take for someone to insist this makes her horrible person.

TERFs are conservatives. Happy International Women’s Day.

My troop leader was an herb growing witch who made every little girl feel like she could do anything in the world and more. During one of our meetings we found an injured dove and she said we should take it in and care for it and if it lived, how wonderful and if it died, then it would have died surrounded by warm

Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex. If a man isn’t prepared to accept that his sexual partner may choose an abortion, he shouldn’t have sex.

I would much prefer the parents of 3-13 year olds to march onto a plane wearing a sandwich board that reads “I’m aware of my responsibility to make sure my child does not kick your seat, throw food, or otherwise disturb you. Please let me know if I’m failing” 

That good, ole Kentucky boy can go fuck himself. What a fucking sociopath.  We’ve all seen this movie before.  This is what abusers do once you’re physically out of reach; it’s another control tactic.

This is what abusers do.

And Depp will continue and continue to abuse her, why are men like that.

Using a lawsuit to accuse someone of cheating on you with a(nother) celebrity sounds exactly like something an innocent man just trying to clear his name would do...

It’s funny how that works. My parents both desperately need to clean out clutter yet my dad squarely rests all the blame on my mother and refuses to get rid of any of the stuff he no longer uses (even if it’s broken/something he can no longer wear because it doesn’t fit/a book he doesn’t like and will never read

True, and I think that’s what makes her system so revolutionary. It’s not about getting rid of stuff, it’s about surrounding yourself with only the things that make you happy.

I don’t get it. THIS IS NOT HOW IT WORKS. You choose to get rid of things that don’t bring you joy. If you are getting rid of things just to appease your girlfriend or are going along with the whole process because ‘UGH, LADIES AMIRITE BRO?’

I get so frustrated at guys whinging that their partner “makes” them contribute to household chores. Fine, they’d be happy to live in near squalor, but heaven forbid their partner leaves stuff around the sink!

Anyway, if you’re upset your significant other is making you sell a $1,100 snakeskin jacket that you never wear but like to tell other people you have, you’re lucky she’s not tossing you out with the rest of the joyless crap. Just one clutter-submerged woman’s opinion!

When I saw "Florida Man" I just assumed that he organised for himself to be the defendant. Or maybe his fiancee.

The Catholic Church paid a Catholic investigator to investigate Catholics accused of bad behavior. They said everything was A-OK. Who could imagine such an outcome?!? It’s not like the Catholic church has ever covered up bad behavior by their members before...

People that complain about safe spaces are really saying that only they deserve to be safe.

Are you saying we didn’t?