
It’s funny how that works. My parents both desperately need to clean out clutter yet my dad squarely rests all the blame on my mother and refuses to get rid of any of the stuff he no longer uses (even if it’s broken/something he can no longer wear because it doesn’t fit/a book he doesn’t like and will never read

True, and I think that’s what makes her system so revolutionary. It’s not about getting rid of stuff, it’s about surrounding yourself with only the things that make you happy.

I don’t get it. THIS IS NOT HOW IT WORKS. You choose to get rid of things that don’t bring you joy. If you are getting rid of things just to appease your girlfriend or are going along with the whole process because ‘UGH, LADIES AMIRITE BRO?’

I get so frustrated at guys whinging that their partner “makes” them contribute to household chores. Fine, they’d be happy to live in near squalor, but heaven forbid their partner leaves stuff around the sink!

Anyway, if you’re upset your significant other is making you sell a $1,100 snakeskin jacket that you never wear but like to tell other people you have, you’re lucky she’s not tossing you out with the rest of the joyless crap. Just one clutter-submerged woman’s opinion!

When I saw "Florida Man" I just assumed that he organised for himself to be the defendant. Or maybe his fiancee.

The Catholic Church paid a Catholic investigator to investigate Catholics accused of bad behavior. They said everything was A-OK. Who could imagine such an outcome?!? It’s not like the Catholic church has ever covered up bad behavior by their members before...

People that complain about safe spaces are really saying that only they deserve to be safe.

These days it’s ‘I don’t care if they hit you first you hit them back now you are equally in trouble and we won’t investigate further than that to find out if the kid is a bully or not! Then we might have to like... fucking do our jobs or something stupid.’

“Let them hit you first. Then deck a bitch.”

Gym class was the worst!! I was a straight A student except fo the D, I got in PE. I went to elementary school in the 1980s and we all were supposed to pass the “Presidential Fitness Challenge”. What a terrible idea that was! I typically placed last, except for the flexibility stuff, where I oddly kicked ass. Still,

I have endured an extreme amount of trauma as an adult with repeated injuries, illnesses and accidents of various kinds. And yet, nothing has been worse than middle school. It was violent, stratified and unsupervised. Basically, anarchy. For those of us who were bullied, each day was hell born anew.

I hated PE too. However, my dislike was due to it simply being “recruitment” for the football coaches. The vast majority of time, we played sports that kids could already play for the school: football, basketball, hockey (floor-not-ice).

I am STILL trying to learn to enjoy exercise after the horrors of PE. Elementary school PE was all other students yelling at me during team sports and throwing things at my face. In middle school, the mental anguish of being a fat bisexual girl in the locker room and people stealing my glasses so I couldn't move was

Exactly. It’s doubly fun when the assholes are aiming the ball at your head. And you’re not good at anything physical so the teacher gets annoyed with you and the assholes get annoyed with you. I never had a more miserable time in school than in gym class. And swimming! Ugh, getting naked and having to shower before

I HATED gym throughout my entire K-12 career. Not because any of my teachers were bad, but because I was terrible and uncoordinated at every single thing. I also got hit in the head by softballs, volleyballs, soccer balls, basketballs, and those red rubber sadistic things; I never got more constructive advice than

Are you saying we didn’t?

This reminds me of an old joke:

When I was kid my mom would take us to store and she’d only speak to us in Portuguese because she wanted us to learn it. One time at the register of a supermarket a white lady made a comment to her friend to the effect of ‘I wish these people would just learn English or stay where they came from.’ To which my mom

I can only imagine the uproar if someone said why don’t white people better assimilate to Native American culture.