
And I think it doesn’t matter whether this was the toddler’s mind protecting him in his despair via imaginary bear friend, or a real bear friend protecting the little boy. The end result is that a three-year-old child is alive and safe. I’m perfectly willing to settle for this.

I’m a sexual health educator and met Dr. Ruth at a fundraising event in the early 2010s. She is so smart, hilarious, and all-around accessible. I love the persona she has developed that allows people to laugh at sex and themselves while learning something new and addressing old hangups. When it was time for my

Guess what?!?

These kids are at a nearly all-white private school in the burbs that takes field trips to DC to attend a rally to take away the right of bodily autonomy from half the population. They crack rape jokes and wear MAGA hats.

I dont’ really give a shit about anything that happened after that. They are already shitty little

I once had a student get very mad at me because I wouldn’t let him write a stakeholder research paper on why abortion should be illegal. To be clear, the stakeholder paper requires the writer to be tangibly affected in a real, demonstrable way by whatever issue is at stake in the paper. I’ve had students write great

If Savannah sincerely wanted a balanced interview, she should have questioned this kid the same way women and girls have been questioned for their choices, especially by the Catholic Church!

Few things here, if you don’t want people to think you are racist, don’t were a MAGA hat. If you think, oh, that could be my son, you need to raise your children to be better people. And lets not forget, this whole thing happened because a Catholic high school decided to take a bus full of teenage boys to a protest

I worked anime cons for many years. I have my own list of guys I’m highly suspicious of. Guys who were headliners and would have us assigned to them to make sure they were safe. The thing is it always seemed like we were watching them to make sure con goers were safe. When we brought up concerns the administration was

It sounds like Average Anna has a pretty good time until she gets married and has kids.  That was obviously her mistake.

Since our stupid Supreme Court blocked the Finnish solution of banning private schools, I think we should do the next best thing and tax the hell out of them. Revoke their tax free status and throw a 100% tuition tax on the parents.

Let me guess, they also feel the need to say they don’t abuse women and are Nice Guys(TM).

One of the big disappointments in the US system, for me, is this unrelenting need to find the next big hero who is going to fix everything. The It Girl or Boy of the moment who says all the right things and there’s a collective swoon - and the same is true of the Villain of the Moment. To watch it occur, over and over

“unless Democrats slowly only elect true progessives”
I was listening to the last episode of the 1848 revolutions on Mike Duncan’s “Revolutions.” The 1848 revolutions failed for a whole bunch of reasons, but a big contributor was the splintering of the liberals with the radical left, which paved the way for

These aren’t just some office admins dealing with a new hire, they’re elected officials in one of the most powerful governing bodies in the U.S. who can command tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars in fundraising from various corporations, some more savory than others.

If when you go into a public restroom, you are more concerned about someone else’s genitals than emptying the contents of your own bladder, then you need to fuck right off this planet.

To be fair, it’s not all PC codswallop, but given the social justice warrior jargon throughout, I suspect this is mostly about psychologizing the gelding of American males.

If you read something as anodyne as “men should be able to express their feelings” as a personal attack, then you’re part of the problem.