
i believe her story 100 percent. you cant make some of that stuff up unless you have lived through the abuse. when he yelled at her for getting excited about seeing a puppy, the same shit happened to me when i dated an emotionally abusive person. i saw a friend i hadnt seen in ahwile while walking down they street

I don’t know that anyone will see this comment (yay hierarchical kinja), but I was struck by his comment about “paralyzing fear” of being attacked. Maybe just a lame excuse for him, but I think that anyone who can’t rationally process the fears of the world is not rational enough to make decisions for the rest of us,

Other tips include:

Most likely projection. They want to paint themselves as victims, but no one is actually victimizing them. So they just accuse people of doing the same insane shit they do.

I can’t say much for confidentiality reasons but I’m currently volunteering to help with some of the separated families and the whole thing is fucking sickening. A grown man burst into tears in front of me when he told me had to lie to his son to get him to go peacefully when they were being separated. Some of the

Let’s not forget that they never intended to reunite them in the first place, their “plan” was always to adopt the kids out for a huge profit.

Gosh, I hope so. The best thing Bernie Sanders has done is remind people that politicians can run and do well and be popular while talking about things that matter to actual people, not the donor class or the hyper-wealthy.

I suppose there’s one cheering thing about this unpleasing bump in the road: it will show, if anyone in the party leadership reacts to it, just exactly what the outlines of the battle we face internally as Democrats is going to be. Anyone who gets on Crowley or Lieberman’s side is an oldster who needs to drift

*elderly fistbump*

i definitely remember waldenbooks, but then i’m an oldster who was an adult in the 80s.

Thoughts and prayers to those humiliated.

At least he got to use his Freddy Mercury prosthetics.

So, serious question since I’m totally ignorant on the legal repercussions of this: does the administration face any sort of penalty for this? Unless there’s a fine or something involved I can’t see why they would have been compelled to meet this deadline in the first place.

I highly, highly recommend everyone read The Black Jacobins, which is generally considered the best book about the Haitian Revolution. And I would also recommend the Revolutions podcast part on the Haitian Revolution. Not nearly enough people understand the fascinating and historical history of it and how the US

Good one. Coolgirling?

SAME. I am a candidate running for office in the midwest. I love Duckworth. But this mealy-mouthed, tepid, timid approach of other Dem candidates and of Dems in power, are driving me to DRINK. I want to go BOLD! But this free-floating fear is real and believe me when I tell you it is not limited to republican men! The

“I think that you can’t win the White House without the Midwest and I don’t think you can go too far to the left and still win the Midwest,” Duckworth told Jake Tapper.

My age. They must be precisely my age and then they can be considered sensible.

Democrats are so out of touch they don’t even realize that there is no legislative or judicial or executive path out of this for the foreseeable. There’s a zero percent chance (it is in fact mathematically impossible) of winning a supermajority in the senate for impeachment, so Trump is staying his full term. The

Borrowing this from another thread because it’s just so appropriate: