
Personally, I think it is VERY important that kids see racism, sexism etc in action so they can understand what it looks like and why it’s wrong. I wouldn’t let a kid read these books totally unsupervised, but I wouldn’t rule them out entirely. I got a lot of my love of the outdoors and desire to do things like cook,

Nope. You can’t only be an advocate for disenfranchised people one day a year. That’s not good enough, not while children are separated from their parents, not while Holocaust memorials are vandalized, not while people are beaten for being gay or trans, not while unarmed black and brown people are shot dead by police,

This is a critical point. My husband’s father is a Trump voter. He cannot ever admit fault about anything. And when challenged he immediately doubles down on his position. This is, of course, a major character flaw and comes from the fact that he comes from an emotionally abusive family and has zero sense of

Preemptively posting a giant FUCK YOU to anyone who criticizes this action.

My problem with these books, and “badass” girl culture in general, is that it still puts the onus on women and girls to beat society at its own game, instead of on society (i.e. men and boys) to change.

The irony of her dining at a “Mexican” restaurant is mind-blowing.

I have just written a post about this.

I remember reading Solnit’s book, Men Explain Things to Me, and being blown away by one part in particular, a true story. I don’t remember it perfectly , but it went something like this.

Which is why those presenting themselves at the border, asking for asylum, are arrested and separated from their children. Apparently that’s illegal if you’re brown. Norwegians are welcome though.

These tent camps are unlicensed. They don’t have to give appropriate care with caregivers who have background checks and are trained to be with children. They have contracted ARMED Guards to work there. In 105 degrees these children are going to die.

Setting aside the obvious fallaciousness of correlating shark attacks to bleeding limbs (hint: most people aren’t bleeding when they get attacked), going into the ocean with a bloody foot would be both unusual and easily avoidable. However, you are comparing being a woman in public with a bloody foot, implicitly

And yet...

“Those who enter the country will be prosecuted in accordance with the Department of Justice zero-tolerance policy.”

If I had billions of dollars I would just build affordable housing for all the struggling people in Seattle. It’s a band aid over a bullet hole but at least people have temporary relief from the elements. I would also double NIH or CDC or UNHCR funding or prevent the extinction of elephants.

Remember when Barack was President and we didn’t have to worry about who anyone was fucking and what porn they were watching?

Weddings are not religious once the state gets involved. NEXT!

“This cake is a specific cake. A wedding cake is inherently religious,” s

Yep, that’s precisely how Hitler would’ve played this too. Get a state official like Goebbels.

My Uncle the vietnam vet after someone thanked him for his service: “Fuck my service. I didn’t want to do my service. Fuck the people who made me do that service. I only did my service because a prison record seemed worse. You want to thank someone? Thank the people protesting against war.”