
Trick question! They never do a good job

Why not any kind of violence? If you’ve been convicted of assault & battery - of your platonic best friend - you can still buy a gun. Why is domestic violence different from, say, rape, kidnapping, or torture?


It would be so interesting to grow up as a kid and have teachers that treated movies, comics, and video games as being on the same level of importance as literature. I’m 35 and when I was a kid, most of my teachers were in their 40's or 50's and every single teacher I ever had was filled with bottomless contempt for

People need to remember that if Shakespeare* was alive today he’d be doing “low brow” popcorn movies. His oeuvre includes romantic comedies with dick jokes, “edgy” action romps with ghosts, witches, tragic villains and suicidal heroes, and most of his stuff includes actors rapping the closing dialog of a scene in

They want to consume women.

I would “to use and discard” after the word “want”

I have a trust, which is good. I would also want to remain anonymous, of course, my plan for the money would bring me into the spot light. i want to essentially, establish an abortion underground railroad. I’d establish services in all the states that have no clinics, we’d set up transportation, childcare, money for

A quick highlight for folks who may not know: The National Sexual Assault hotline can help folks process trauma even if it isn’t something recent. I know sometime the word “hotline” can make people think that it’s for only immediate crises; if you’re rethinking something from the past and want safe and supportive

“libtard” is one of those disgusting slurs that instantly causes me to stop giving a damn about whatever point a person is trying to make. Do you actually hate mentally disabled people, or are you a 16 year old trying to be edgy? Try to elevate the discussion a bit, you might find it more satisfying.

I’m thinking: This is their next step in the march toward Gilead.

Huh. We saw Pussy Riot on their last tour of the US. Not sure how many first tours they get?

So the medical condition affects prison time, but clearly not the assailant’s ability to threaten or molest people when loose in society. Seems legit.

Your statement demonstrates a clear misunderstanding of the use and construct of “safe spaces” and then goes on to give the very reason why they exist (hint: to give people space to process their experiences with trained and/or like-minded and/or like-experienced individuals who can facilitate that processing).

They’re just mad because they can’t make money and be left alone while making lazy jokes that point fun at the already marginalized anymore. If anyone needs a safe space, it’s them, and it’s obnoxious that they don’t realize that they are the whiny ones.

I find the whole “we can’t joke about what’s happening in the world with people getting offended!” line so disingenuous because there are countless comedians making a living joking about what happening in the world in a thoughtful way. What they really mean is “no one find ME and MY casual bigotry funny anymore, and

It’s been many, many years, but I’m pretty sure there’s talk about sinners being cast into “a lake of fire” somewhere in there. The problem with religious fundamentalism is they swear up and down that the bible is the true and unfailing Word of Gawd that must be taken literally for you to be counted as a true

I have a leatherbound copy of the Divine Comedy with gilded edges. You’d be surprised how many people have mistaken it for a bible, even when they could see the cover.

I had a lot of interesting discussions with my pastor and my grandfather (retired pastor) about Heaven/Hell, like do dogs get into Heaven if they don’t have souls, do people who lived before Christ just automatically get sent to hell (how freaking unfair.) My grandpa is heavily into theology philosophy, so it’s a lot