
And also, it’s going to put off the Norwegians.

Maybe I misunderstood, but I thought the point of MeToo was to demonstrate in how many ways, large and small, women have their agency taken from them through sexual means. That includes behavior from catcalling to coercive sex to violent rape.

1. We do have a term for it - sexual coercion. It covers encounters like this that aren’t necessarily illegal, but aren’t exactly super consensual either, because one person made the other person feel like they couldn’t refuse sex. When someone is ignoring your attempts to shut sex down, it’s hard to be 100% sure that

“The Ministry for Loneliness” sounds like a rejected early solo Morrissey track.

There have been so many comments about ‘what about Moses supporting Woody?’, ‘what about the abuse allegations against Mia’, etc. In terms of this allegation, NO ONE was there except two people- Woody Allen and Dylan Farrow. This is not disputed, including by Allen. Moses may have had a bad experience with his mother.

This is all a fucking mess. This is not what I had hoped for when I had hoped for equality for women, at all. My comment isn’t even related specifically to Aziz, or any other story. Its just how I’ve been feeling over the past few weeks about all of this.

...but that had he known there would have been “no mercy,” adding, “I have daughters.”

I am constantly harassed at work, I have to take it, ignore it and move on because I have kids and I have to feed them.

Third wave is mostly considered to be “choice feminism”. Like “I choose my choice so it is ok, and it has nothing to do with the patriarchy if I do porn/get plastic surgery/pretend to be dumb to get men etc”.

I feel so bad for you guys. Oil Panic is a real thing, unfortunately, and folks in states that didn’t get on the anti-fracking bandwagon early are getting the brunt of the blowback (sometimes literally.)

I’m of French descent, with many French exes, an an estranged French husband, and can confidently say this is largely cultural. “Seduction” is the norm, and any cry against it should be silenced. I’ve been told multiple times that if I allow myself to become cold to these kinds of advances, I will end up bitter and

What’s more romantic than watching your boss jerk off into a plant??? American women JUST DON’T GET IT!

Funny how the hammer came down on an Asian-American fraternity when all of these white boys are out here violating the rules of their colleges and fraternities left and right.

I’ll go one further: zero private money for campaigns (whether from donors, from the candidates themselves, from PACs, from corporations, from unions, etc...).

Campaign donation limits = the solution to rich idiots having WAY too much power and influence.

My parents lived near that building 50 years ago and my mom was OBSESSED with trying to spot her. Then one day, my mom was pushing my brother in a baby carriage and Greta Garbo was walking towards them. As she passed my mom, she said, “you’re baby is beautiful”.

I mean, shouldn’t the first order of business be to disband? How can a board of all women, even women that went through the same sytem even remotely support this? It’s reductive as fuck.

In the end, we all want a strong, relevant Miss America

Oh fuck off. Women making music doesn’t have any impact on men making music. Also where is the genre where women can release their anger? Why do genres have to be dominated by a gender in order for music to be made? It makes zero fucking sense. Are teenage boys in their rooms with a guitar going “but I just CAN’T

So like ... can I have maternity leave? Affordable prenatal care? Any treatment for my battered lady-bits after birth? Help with childcare? (My parents live very, very far away and I really like what I do for a living.) Will my daughters be able to get jobs where they won’t be harassed by their employers, or is their