
Satan and God are actually pretty tight.

While well-intentioned, I think the title itself is a clue. We don’t refer to car guys as “car boys,” so why call women who are into cars “car girls?”

Can’t recall the source but recently saw a comment talking about the fact that so many people say “He’s never been anything but wonderful around ME!” It was along the lines of “Do you think that everything that happens must happen when you’re around or it didn’t happen? Because that’s some serious infant cognition

What job? First Lady isn’t a paid position with real responsibilities. It’s a sexist, thankless throwback from the days before wives were allowed to have separate lives and careers from their husbands and were expected to be a full time mothers and help-mates. I don’t have many nice things to say about Melanie Trump

He’d be so much prettier if he smiled more.

mel, i’ve had a couple nervous breakdowns. even was hospitalized for one.

Maybe we shouldn’t depend on oil so much.

It’s weird - I’ve been a pretty thoughtful and bold feminist for some time now, and yet there are still pieces of my past that elude me. When I was sixteen, I was at a live-in Catholic informal liberal arts program where we started out with 20 students and ended up with 13 by the end of the year (so small and

Not necessarily - I’ve lived in my house for 10 years and have a “[wave] hello” relationship with the neighbors on one side and a non-relationship with the ones on the other side, and I have never once spoken with the people who live across the street. That’s just not how people are anymore.

“a very regrettable dispute between two neighbors over a matter that most people would regard as trivial,”

Poor Rand Paul; yet another victim of The Bowling Green Massacre.

Apparently, Muslims never suffer from mental health issues. When we do something bad, it’s entirely of our own volition. When a white person does something bad, it’s a defect in that otherwise pristine, gorgeous brain of theirs.

Aside from his moronic nonsense that it’s not about guns, does our dipshit in chief even realize that his willful and spiteful dismantling of Obamacare will make mental health services even more difficult to access? Ugh, he’s such a fool, it makes my head hurt.

Makes me reconsider being a reviewer on that site.

Hey Gov, nice advice but you realize no one will be able to afford and/or access chill pills after your idiot president and his uterus controlling flunkies are done with their Jesusing? So how about you fuck the fuck off?

No, not everyone has herpes. It matters enormously to me because I’d like to have a normal sex life and not live with the stigma around people who have herpes.

Nope, lol. Not everyone.

DO NOT EVER PUT TESTER MAKEUP ON YOUR FACE!!! Jesus, we need a sign for this now???

I am still friends with my friends from childhood/high school—even the people who have babies I don’t give 2 shits about. The trick is keeping in touch very loosely, seeing them once or twice a year, and liking their shit on social media. Don’t always throw the baby out with bath water (HAHA IN THIS METAPHOR THE BABY I

Not to be a big downer here, but all the centrist arguments would be ok with chucking this girl. Any time a Dem opens their mouth about ‘dreamers’ it’s always about them being hardworking, or students, or contributing to the economy. Not one word about just welcoming people to America and sharing what we have because