
I don’t have even the foggiest clue what conditions are best for planting a gummi bear tree.

But Bill- maybe your lowly state is actually a blessing from God! He does that, you know - tossing around random, abstract blessings like that. Have a severely disabled baby who dies minutes after birth? A blessing that you got to know him! Your grandmother is so deep in Alzheimer’s that she doesn’t even know her own

I’m not sure if it’s ‘that bad’ from a misogyny standpoint, but from an ‘Is this show really that unfunny and terrible?’ standpoint, yes yes it is really that bad.

agreed. however, i do think it’s quite powerful. my boyfriend, who is thankfully not a rapey shitbag, was floored at how many posts he had seen the last couple days. even he, my woke bae, didn’t know how insidious this is.

The whole “me too” movement really soured for me this morning when I saw a past abuser making positive “men can make the difference!! Men need to step up!” posts on Facebook. This was pretty standard in our relationship - rah rah feminism in public, horrific abusive and sexist behavior in private (and constant

If you look at the comments on pretty much every article about this, it’s pretty obvious nothing will change in the long term. Why? Because for every sincere comment there’s at least one “whataboutthemen” or “I just won’t talk to women because I’m afraid” comment. Until men decide to view women as human beings, call

The first one didn’t do much business at the box office and attained more of a cult following than the typical movie that receives a sequel.

I live here. I don’t recommend visiting, at all. The xenophobic isolationism combined with hiring less than stellar border agents is such a terrible state of things. You’re much better off staying away for the foreseeable future.

In the US a big obstacle would be how is the person covered by insurance after they give up a kidney? Are they basically not allowed to use benefits if their remaining kidney had issues? Also, there are a lot of medical costs associated with giving up an organ I am sure as it is a major surgery. Are those costs taken

I can not believe you would accuse the letter writer of blowing up a marriage, if she were to tell the wife her husband was cheating. She would not be the one ruining the marriage, the shitty cheating husband is to blame for that.

I can’t think of other situations in which you are allowed to blow up another person’s marriage, but I’m sure our commenters can come up with some.

One girl said a deputy reached under her bra and touched her nipples. Some wore gloves some did not.

Look into VBAC if you want to know more. Many women are chosing to try for “vaginal birth after c-section” but it can be more difficult and some doctors refuse to even try it.

This is one of the real dangers of the anti-choice, forced-birth, fetus-first agenda. The mother, while fully conscious and able to make a medical decision, can have her objection to a medical procedure overruled because we think of the baby first and the mother second.

I’ve made this comment a kajillion times already, but I think kajillion+1 is ok. This was never about politics or ideology or education or economics or even race. These are fundamentally damaged people. They are subhuman, literally less than human. We are witnessing the devolution of man in real time.

Even with that hard break looming, Kelly still managed to find time to explain the hard break twice and put forth an opposing opinion.

You never cut off Tom Brokaw.

It sounds like Mark Regnerus is terrified that, when it comes to casual sex, women will dispose of men the same way men have been disposing of women.

Wait, why is the Wall Street Journal publishing this garbage? There will always be misogynists. That doesn’t mean that a main stream publication has to give them a platform. I’m more pissed off at the Wall Street Journal for enabling this garbage. What’s next? An essay on white supremacy to follow this essay on male