
I mostly work from home and I’m doing a great job of becoming a shut-in. Highly recommended!

This is why I don’t open the door for unexpected company. Or the phone for unknown numbers. Or talk to people in general.

“I wish it would all just go away,” said Kathie Lee clueless white people.

And that’s why I root for the asteroid to hit us.

And I love what he’s doing ***to*** this country

Does Somerhalder assume people will find this story charming because he’s not ugly? Because it contains at least 3 of the warning signs of abuse in the booklet my doctor gave me at my first prenatal visit.

I’m confused. If these men are so “weak” and unable to control themselves around a teenager, then why are they in power in the first place? Shouldn’t that exempt them from being put into such positions if they can’t stop getting their dicks out and snapping pics?

“Homeless guy walks up to my car, yells at me and says insulting things.”

“[D]ildos aren’t in the US Constitution.”

Had this been a little white child and Black teens, you’d see them tried as adults.  

“Mr Pruitt, the ice caps are melting at a rate where most of the Arctic animal population could be extinct in the next 25 years”

The focus on society over the individual thing is so true. I love Finland, as well as neighbouring Scandinavia and their social programs.

As one of the USA’s neighbours to the north, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend over the past few years, with this American obsession with the individual. There’s a very “I’ve got mine,

I mean, feel free to explain to little Janie all about your Randian jerkoff fantasy and how her mother is a leech on the system but Janie is eight and she’s hungry and she doesn’t understand why adults who have food won’t give her food when she’s hungry.

No, they did this movie and it was called Wonder Woman and the island turned out great.

It’s from Witches of Eastwick and honestly I’ve never read it (love the movie) so I can’t speak to the context. But it illustrates your point regardless.

its going to be a train wreck

I will admit right now that I am guilty of using the word “girl(s).” What I should say instead? (actually asking.)

grrrr. im a female web developer and there is a manager at work that refers to the 3 females on the all-male team as “the girls” and it INFURIATES me. >_<

Yep. Also, anyone who knows you will know that you are a family unit. And people you’ve just met will know eventually. This argument is idiotic.