
People of color, political activists, political enemies, people with nice real estate who won’t sell it. That’s what most of these laws boil down to, historically. Duterte isn’t just using that law to kill actual drug dealers, neither would anyone else. If that gained any ground you can believe the “justice” dept is

The test the kids took (according to the link) covers ALL manner of privilege, not just being white. But this is what everyone is latching on to. There are only 12 questions and they are all pretty softball. It sounds like the kids learned something from the exercise, but I’m curious what lesson they learned from

This is a joke, right? Are you just trolling or trying to be ironic? There’s a pretty big difference between being uncomfortable with someone’s sexuality, vs being vocally opposed to someone’s sexuality, becoming an elected official, and actively supporting legislation to oppress a particular group of citizens. You

Can we please stop saying that men like Elliot Rodger “love” women? They love women like I love cheeseburgers. I think the correct word is WANT.

There’s this crazy new thing the theater kids are doing these days called fake mustaches. You can glue fake hair onto a person’s face! Who knew! Also, for some guys it will actually grow back if you shave it.

Although I will add I’d love to see them again. The presentation was very moving.

Right? I saw them in NM last year, and it was right before their big official debut, which I believe was at SXSW.

Burn each other’s faces off. Acid isn’t as fun as fire.

Possibly more projecting on their part? I mean, ICE is rounding up immigrants and putting them in detention indefinitely, some places so bad people are dying for lack of medical care. Some killing themselves. People are going missing and even local law enforcement does not know if they are being kidnapped or picked up

I will always remember my grandparents taking us to church (Lutheran) for Easter when I was a tween, and the pastor was ENRAGED that people thought they were going to Heaven or Hell. He said that when you die you are dead, until Jesus comes back and judges everyone at the same time (see the “quick and the dead” verse

PSA: Your wet papers are not garbage. They can be preserved with some patience and work. If they are important to you take the time to save them.

Back in the 80's, before social media, my sister’s ND studies teacher actually used the term “damned dirty Indians” in class, to describe the native tribes of the region. My sister told my parents. My parents talked to the principal. My sister got transferred to the other ND studies class. And that’s the end of the

They lack financial privilege, true. But either way, it’s not just older women. I have known young and old women alike, who believed that the husband is the master of the household. It is usually biblical-based reasoning. Although in my own narrow experience, those women have been white.

Speaking as someone who is no longer young, I’d like to point out there are a lot of patriarchy enablers rising up in the 20-30 something age category. It has a lot more to do with privilege than age.

Better Heitkamp than the thoroughly disgusting candidates the GOP have been backing in ND, I agree. I’m just a bit disappointed. Especially since oil and the pollution that comes with it has been such a big problem in ND. I will never believe that being able to set your tap water on fire is a totally normal thing that

This GIF is legit me age 8. We had a French kid in my class and he developed a crush on me. He felt the best way to express that was to wait until I was alone in the hallway, ambush me, then drag me kicking and screaming into the coat closet where he would hold me down and put his lips all over my face. Luckily boys

I’m not so sure about Heitkamp anymore. I did vote for her enthusiastically while I still lived in ND. She did come around and vote no on DeVos (for all the good that did). But she did vote yes on Pruitt for EPA, which was devastating and awful. Granted, no matter who ended up in either position it would be terrible

Yes there IS so much out there! Just about everything ever recorded from every country in the world is at our fingertips. I’m pretty sure there’s something good to listen to.

And the US has the worst maternal mortality rate of any industrialized nation too. We’re actually working AGAINST population growth when we get pregnant.

He didn’t pay for child prostitutes THAT NIGHT. But clearly knew his way around to get to a club he admittedly frequented. A bit of an own goal, if it were not for the fact that Moore supporters will gloss over the beginning part of the story.