
I would say yes. If a salesperson at Macy’s, or certainly a public school teacher, were to have their spouse petition the court for a restraining order, and a former colleague (manager in Depp’s case) confirm he was aware of spousal abuse, it would affect their job standing. Assuming it became public knowledge. Which

Al Rakesa was cancelled after 4 episodes for being “immoral,” and that was just dancing! I wonder if she meant it to be a social/political statement, because it would be foolish to think this would not raise some religious ire. I hope to hear more updates on the case.

The Prosperity Gospel in action.

I was once sexually harassed while wearing a goddamn parka. I guess it did protect me in the sense that if he had acted on his lewd suggestions he would have had a hell of a time getting into my pants (I was also wearing long underwear under my jeans, and my parka went down about mid-thigh).

I’m female, and a huge nerd. I’ve seen the original Blade Runner at least a couple of times, and I liked it. But I agree, it had cult popularity, not mainstream. It seems like this is one in a long line of nostalgic sequels that nobody asked for. I just don’t really care that much. I will probably watch it when it is

Agree. You can’t really make up someone’s mind for them, and you shouldn’t make choices for them. A friend told me about my bf’s cheating, and it was really hard to hear, but ultimately it helped me leave. Maybe she doesn’t want to know, or maybe she needs this to break free. Don’t try to protect her from her own

There are a bunch of GoFundMe accounts now for people who were shot in LV. Maybe if enough people get shot and go bankrupt from their subsequent medical bills, it will turn the tide toward single-payer.

I used to be in a burlesque/variety troupe, and when I tried to use FB advertising to promote an upcoming show I got an email saying they could not accept our ad because it was flagged for adult services. They can detect the term “burlesque,” but not “Jew Hater.” Boobies bad, racism good.

I can understand the compulsive behavior, but the idea of pinning his behavior on a teenager (or anyone else)? That’s the douchy part. If he is seeking help for his “addictive behavior,” he should also be taking responsibility for it as part of his therapy. That’s why I think he’s just a perv who can’t keep it in his

Human brains continue to develop even through early adulthood, so even kids who should know better don’t. I’ve never tried to kill anyone, but looking back on 14yo me (or 16yo or 18yo), I did some really stupid stuff that 44 yo me would know better than to do. I don’t think that kids should be tried as adults, but

My weird connections have to be email mining. I kept getting a suggestion for a friend of my parents. I was not connected to my parents on FB at the time, and neither was my sister, so no mutual friends. We lived about 1000 miles apart and had not even been in the same state at the same time for at least 20 years. The

Axe James and promote Moneypenney to 007. Naomie Harris gets my vote.

Everyone debates why the Roman Empire fell, but not why the Roman Republic fell to totalitarianism. Seems like that would be extremely relevant.