
Part of the problem is the “publish or perish” model of higher education. It causes scientists (at least in my field) to use treatments totally unlike what would be done in real life in order to maximize the chance of showing a statistical difference. However, as long as they are honest about it, there’s nothing wrong

If you “bail out” exactly where are those plates going? Who’s feet and ankles are they going to roll or fall onto? If it’s mine, then you better hope you have good liability coverage on your homeowner’s.

Molly Crocket’s TED talk “Beware of Neuro-bunk” is a good explanation on how the media mis-interprets research, either unintentionally or intentionally. It’s usually not the researchers mis-representing their own work. Bottom line: unless you read the actual paper written by the researchers and published in the

My dog was afraid of water (water from a water hose, water in a bath tub, etc.) which was weird since she was 1/2 lab. And when I first got her, she was afraid of the dark. Seriously. She’d throw up several times a night until one night, I left a night light on and she was fine ever after.

In general, the wider the grip on the bench, the more strain it puts on your shoulders. Besides, ask yourself if your goal is simply to move more weight or is your goal to gain strength that you can use in every day life? Sure, a wide grip on the bench may allow you to lift more (one reason is that the bar starts