
A least Dr. Oz isn’t a stroke victim derping his way along to election day like a would-be F.J.B. Brandon.

OMG, is this all you've got? 

Sounds like the carping employees aren’t doing their jobs. Nobody said free speech means you can call the boss names without getting fired. Musk did the right thing.  Keep a clean house staffed with focused professionals.

Too bad Darnella wasn’t in the car filming on her iPhone.

Hope she got some good ‘vidjo’ of the police encounter...She’s good at that.

...was unsuccessful and shot herself again.”

“...when Nassar touched her feet, he did it with his penis.”

If you were serious in your coverage of the incident involving this revolting public servant that works for the SS, you would have noted that the primary reason she is under investigation is for possible violation of the Hatch Act through her lickity-split-like public fawning over Hillary Clinton on social media.

The picture just confirms that Darwin has not evolved far from chimp.