
Remember: if you don’t buy a Miata they’ll have to discontinue them only to have the name come back ten years later on a crossover.

What do you expect from the country that allows the submission of court evidence without needing any kind of chain of custody or rules of discovery and can detain you fir months without any sort of probable cause?

Dear fellow Gamers,

“and ended up having to cut the car into quarters with a torch and then dumping it in a couple of business park trash dumpsters.”

“LeBron. Would you enjoy it if you could somehow play with Magic Johnson, Larry Bird and Wilt Chamberlain in their primes?”

It doesn’t help that a fair number of cops share similar views as these morons or were buddies with them back in high school. Selective enforcement.. Now if a Model X came to town with a light bar, that might be a different story.

Merry Christmas, fellow nerds. Thanks for the laughs. The Rude family wishes you all the best in the new year.

Even the toy bunnies like rolling around on wheels, I see.

It’s truly amazing the extent to which wealthy tech shitheads will go to avoid admitting that mass public action and infrastructure have ever accomplished anything.

Elon will never love you.

I was in a city in China a few years ago that, in order to address congestion and pollution, built an entire subway system in essentially a decade that moves 2,200,000 to 2,800,000 people per day. But, sure, let’s use Silicon Valley ingenuity to build a tunnel that moves one car at a time. Disruption!

Fuck the police.

The Cumberland County Sheriff’s department is getting sued in 3 .... 2 .... 1 ....

This circumstance, as many others are, can be explained with: “Dumb, fucking pigs!”

Anyone else have issues with their statements?

“Him crashing was not caused by the spike strips, but was caused by him overcorrecting.”

I hate to be that guy, but if no one was chasing him he wouldn’t have been driving that fast, and they wouldn’t have “needed” to deploy spike strips in a high-speed chase. I understand the need to pursue justice, but if one of the people in that car had died, I can’t imagine the justification.

Does that mean they are irredeemable?

Who the fuck allowed you out of the grays?

I bet they just need to dress less provocatively.