
“some critics say the harassment measures will mark an end to French romance.”

His base will never disavow him. Never.

Londoners are dumb. These ads are wonderful.

Fuck off.

Again, for those who may not be aware:

Thoughts and prayers, motherfuckers.

“So, selling them on the notion that part of their problem is due to an Ice Age that ended eleven thousand years ago—when their interpretation of scripture tells them that the Earth was created just six thousand years ago—is a tough thing to get them to swallow.”

The exact point where the last tiny bit of sympathy I

I know the setting is all wrong but I don’t care

I mean, I wish I had sympathy for these people. But I don’t. These isn’t some isolated tribe living in the Congo or the Amazon who have had little to no contact with the modern world and don’t understand what is happening. These idiots are a few miles away from civilization and live in a completely modern world and

First of all, this is a community of old school Christians, many of whom are Biblical literalists.

The promise of a reduced sentence is critical for maintaining discipline in well run prisons, it means prisoners always have something to lose. We all know that having nothing to lose incentivizes bad behavior and trouble making behavior. It is also an incentive to undertake rehabilitative programs and behaviors.

Harley’s problem is that they’re too big for their market. Their core fan base for the last 50 years has been the baby boomers. They expanded way too much in the late 90s early 00s when the boomers were in peak mid life crisis / early retirement / empty nest money to blow mode. That generation is aging and not

Urban millennial here, who is actually interested in buying a premium motorcycle in the next few years: Harleys are tainted in our demographic.

Stop paying long haul truckers by the mile, first of all. They go through training that repeatedly tells them to drive to conditions, but then they get a job that requires they hit a certain mileage each day to keep a consistent paycheck. This is a system which encourages dangerous, aberrant behavior in a 72,000 lb

When machine learning, facial recognition, artificial intelligence, internet access and more are run/programmed by an overwhelming majority of misogynistic, racist men it makes me uneasy about the future.

“Actually, it is a public company.”

Clinton was the best Republican president of the last 50 years. Only slightly facetious.

The guy who can’t do math: let’s see, 30 miles at 60 mph. Should take 30 minutes. If I average 70 the whole way, I’ll save 4.28 minutes! Totally worth it! (Not totally worth it)

So, as a trans woman I am quite worried absolutely terrified about this development. And I don’t have much else to say other than that I am making my peace with basically not ever leaving New England until this disaster of a trash fire administration is sorted out.

Nevermind Obamacare, the real “death panel” is capitalism.