
One explanation for her calmness is the "Memory Work" and "Talk Work" which has not been working for David has in fact been working for her.

Of course at the time of posting two more episodes have come out and since I haven't watched them, they might have clarified some things/proven me wrong.

Actually that long scene (combined with a long-time obsession of reading the wikis of X-men characters) had me doubt the reality of the bad guys kidnapping stuff

Okay just finished Seasons 1 and 2 on Hulu and I LOVED it. Love Gretchen and Jimmy, love Edgar and Dorothy.

Honestly that scene with Lindsay and Gretchen in the bedroom finally gave me a reason to like Lindsay again. I don't know why, but I've had the hardest time empathizing with Lindsay in Season 2 (maybe I can't really understand what post-divorce is like? idk) but it got so bad that last episode I was really liking

I lost it during the Jap Battle, it was amazing!

Also, as a New Jerseyan I loved the fact that the Pines are from New Jersey!


wow! i'm really excited but also really worried! I'm nervous about seeing the two Stans interact over the next few episodes. I know Ford has reasons for his anger and his frustrations, but I'm
definitely more sympathetic towards Stan. (Probably because the valuing
of family resonates with me a lot more than valuing