I’m completely in support of this move; watching Musk find fresh, dumb ways to burn money is a newfound hobby of mine.
I hope she sues Musk.
fake celebrity nudes have been a thing as long as i can remember using the internet. i don’t get what makes this one so special
Back in the day one could read a news story and demand ‘pics, or it didn’t happen’. Sadly those days are gone
O + 4 = S
Pretty awesome! Great excuse to play Zelda at work for the professor. :)
Because she’s an attentionwhore and we, as a species, shouldn’t just platform everybody. It draws out all the narcisists.
Technological advancement was a mistake. We’d all be better off as hunter gatherers.
Well, personally speaking I’m more inclined to dislike someone who’s clearly exploiting people who have deepseated mental health problems than to dislike the people with those problems, so that’s probably part of it!
Why do people hate her? They should hate the pathetic losers paying for her for these disgusting things.
Yeah... its pretty obvious that this device shouldnt exist.
Now do guns
Is he packing a Fat Man or a Little Boy?
(Oppenheimer pulls his pants down)
“I don’t know Resident Evil, yet I’m here to complain about it.”
Nice work, chief.
The scariest thing about the original RE games was the fixed camera angles and tank controls. Most rooms were designed so that the enemies were off screen and only audio cues told you what was up ahead. The character movement and aiming controls were so limited that it was easy to get mobbed.
when was that? The very first game was a B-movie you could play...the only “scary” thing was the dogs jumping through the windows.
There is literally an unlockable infinite rocket launcher in Resident Evil Director’s Cut from 1997. What are you even talking about my dude.