
I think you mean "express purpose."

Vincent, AKA "Starry, Starry Night."

Check out the album "Rockford." Listen to it at least three times before passing judgement. It is a truly incredible album.

I don't think you can be "prescient" about something that's already happened. You can be accurate, but you can't be prescient.

Those guys owe everything to Bowie. And to Roxy Music, Eno and the Stooges. Ask them, they'll tell you.

I think he was just being facetious, but I could be wrong…

I know it's the writer's job, but the condescending tone of this piece is quite off-putting. It's quite easy to be dismissively full of snark and sarcasm, rather than looking at which parts of Rollins' comments might merit consideration. Much easier to make fun of the guy for being in Johnny Mnemonic or the fact that