
And there's a problem. All those fucking MRA... is that still a thing??? Cause MRA!!!! Told feminists that the guys, you're now figuring out were creeps... we're actually full of shit creeps. Maybe sometimes you should listen... just a little ... instead of just screeching that someone is talking over you.

Well, that's a healthy attitude. I guess men should just sit back and not give a fuck.

Let me assure you, it is possible to have that full on sweating, crying, nose running reaction and still truly be enjoying yourself. The same way some people actually enjoy exercise even when "feeling the burn."

called sexists for saying we're not feminists, called creepy manipulative tools for saying we are feminists.

The entire point of night clubs is to get laid. If it wasn't people would just listen to music and dance and drink at home.

My God, that might be the best headline graphic ever to grace a Gawker site. Fucking amazing, that one is.