
Potatoes are a bad choice to pair with salmon. Asparagus or green beans all the way.

Wearing a Fab Five Jalen Rose jersey when stranded by the side of the road is an international signal of distress.

“honestly he’s right tho, we can’t drive” - Caitlyn Jenner

Such incredible ignorance to so insultingly paint an entire gender with such a broad brush.

Clearly he meant Asian women.

Host Chris Cotter changed gears, and Galloway quickly apologized.

I’m looking for Part II of this, with the ones that aren’t completely obvious!

How Vin Scully perfectly times stories like that to last as long as the AB passes the point of “skill” to “white wizard magic.”

I’d feel bad for Noah, because Jones seems committed to kicking his ass. However, he can easily hide from Cardale by taking refuge in one of Ohio State’s many academic buildings.

I’ll admit that woman made a pretty stupid statement, and the state of the American educational system is fucked, but goddamn, I’m tickled pink to read a comment from a German who, without a trace of irony or self-awareness, states that he wants someone arrested for saying what she thinks. Great shit, man. Thanks for

Looks like heaven since there aren’t any asshole teenage snowboarders cutting in front of everyone.

Those poor skis.

So it's the one fucking day you deserve it.

No, dumbfuck. This country was founded on the idea that a governmental body heavily intwined with a preferred religion wouldn't impose one belief system over another.

It's Indiana, not Insteve.

You left out one of the best parts of his story, in that he overcame a severe childhood stuttering problem to become a successful broadcaster.

There is much to joke about when it comes to Bill Walton. But I will say this: Anyone who can be so "out there," but still forge a completely successful relationship with one of the most famously straight-laced people of all time, be a Hall of Famer and reach the absolute pinnacle of his profession, find a second

I'm 33 and every woman I meet expects me to have a house and take care of the kids they had with some asshole in their 20's who couldn't be assed to stick around.

"I save my energy for important tournaments and picks, like calling for #13 seed Patrick Bateman's bone-colored business card with Silian Rail lettering to upset #1 seed Paul Allen's tastefully thick off-white card with watermark."

By the time they enroll, most UNC and Duke students know how to spell and use proper grammar.