
Peter Fucking Capaldi.

I literally want to have sex with him. Not because I'm attracted, but because I think I might get off on the disdain he'd emanate the entire time.

Holy shit was that episode way better than the first one

They didn't show it, no, but the sound effect, Jesus Christ. It sounded like a tire bursting on a wet road.

Most virtuous player

I'd consider myself a longtime consumer of media. I've seen all sorts of on-screen violence, but that head crushing scene haunted me for days


The way I see it, nerds, there's two kinds of people. Zeros and ones. I'm a one.

Who knew this article would be such a hot pocket for Jim Gaffigan debate

I'm shocked you feel like you moustache them that.

They'll dig them up. Because Van Der Werff is like me. He's a digger.

" The DVD that Disney created from Pixar’sCars CGI engines, then helpfully put up on movie screens for divorced dads to take their kids to."

Uh…what Johnny Depp backlash?

Those are both stories that are extremely famous and monstrous and indicative of the bible as a whole, so why anyone would get them confused is beyond me. I've said it before and I'll say it now:

HU-man…What is…love?

God fucking dammit Beck Bennett's baby impression is so good. It's unbelievable.

Provided you are contrary.

It's true. Going up the slope is no problem, but going down, well, it has a wet back.

I remember seeing the preview for this and then rolling my eyes so hard that I got a brain aneurysm and died.

Literally lmao that God punishes a genetic line of people FOREVER because a boy named "Ham" laughed at his drunk dad.