
I'm sorry, but how does he eat and breathe? And other science facts?

Twats what she said

I thought I was the clever snark, but you have out witted me

Ah yes, famous boat-centered musical The Sound of Music…

Bird bible is the funniest thing I've seen on SNL in years

Yeah, the movie was actually good.

I'm retreading the rebooted series, and I'm so excited to see some reviews for early ten. Sad that we have so far to go before Donna makes a long stay. Just look at David Tennant's face. Look at his HANDSOME FUCKING FACE!!!!

I'm gonna be a bit harder on it this season. It probably deserves a B+, but I HAD to give it an A-

The guy who plays the count is literally the worst actor I've ever seen.

Another chance to cry after David Tennant says "I don't wanna go?" I'll take it, apparently!

Also if you've ever seen a baby move around ever it's pretty clear

You have a terrible haircut.

UGH I just want to kiss David Tennant's soft lips

Don't Dead! Open Inside!

I see you've played knifey winey before

Yeah, I'm wondering if Johns gets so much work because people have gotten used to what Loeb puts out and Geoff Johns is at least competent, if not a good writer.

The very idea that a teacher would bring a gun onto school property is probably the most offensive thing I've ever heard.

To be fair, Pearce has always been a hair's breadth away from just saying "nigger"

To be fair, Pearce has always been a hair's breadth away from just saying "nigger"

Iron Maiden covering Space Truckin' is my dream