
I'm not sure if its because we all already kind of knew that Cat knew about Kara being Supergirl, or if its because the scene cut away so quickly after the reveal, but the moment where the audience finds out that Cat knows about Kara's superhero ego felt VERY underwhelming.

Alex apparently comes from the Maeby Fünke school of asking people to marry her.

Oh, how I've missed Cat Grant… I want her to be back full-time! Has Calista Flockhart softened her stance on filming in Vancouver?!

At the risk of being torn to shreds, am I the only one who likes Jost? Although I like how the show (particularly the Leslie/Kyle sketch from tonight's episode) is leaning into how unliked he is, why don't people like him? If you liked Seth (liberal, white, elite, smug, writer), you should like Colin… right? I would

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

FitzSimmons is the greatest love story of our generation.

"Are you feeling better?"
"Yes, thank yo-"
"Then shut the fuck up."

Your 2nd and 3rd nitpicks were answered in the movie. It's shown in the video on Gabriella's phone and in Laura's file that she only received adamantium add-ons, and during the video of her surgery you can see they only have her cut open where they would need access to add on the claws to her hands/upper arms and the


Asked and answered.

Also, did the dude addressing Hatcher and Sorbo at the end of the episode say "Guys, we've reached our coordinates." Guys? You're being a bit familiar, faceless person who is definitely not as important as Hatchbo.

One thing that continues to bother me is Cyborg Superman. Besides the fact that he has a catchphrase (and that it is "I'm Cyborg Superman!"), what is up with his face? If the metal is supposed to be on the outside of his head, as like an attachment, it looks terrible. If it's supposed to be the exposed part of his new

I was a little disappointed that Supergirl was surrounded by smashable materials and didn't go all Michael Keaton/Bruce Wayne when she dropped the "You wanna get nuts? Let's get nuts!" line.

"Thanks, Kent's autism." was probably the loudest I've ever guffawed at this show, and that's saying something.

Even better was the smirk on Snart's face as he said it, as if he was doing everything he could to stop himself from winking directly at the camera.

Andy Daly is a goddamn genius, no doubt, but I thought James Urbaniak was unreal in this episode. I've always enjoyed his cool, calculating Grant but the scene from earlier in the season where he 'explicitly' tells Forrest not to kill anyone and all of his scenes in this final episode were magic.

"So… I just type that into Google?"

I can only assume that this episode received an A- because it was only 22 minutes long?

The scene between Francis and Reba in her apartment was heart-breaking, to say the least. Richard Armitage is - so far - doing a great job of making me care about a violent psychopath.