
By the by… don't quite get your descriptor of The Salesman / Captain Howdy as 'reptilian…' Frankly, he seemed more reptilian when bearing the scorch and burn marks of whatever hellish dimension he, or it, inhabits… licking Regan's face does not a reptile make.

And considering Angela's eye does the demonic, double-pupil thing, we can rest assured she is indeed, um, repossessed, and the history with her mother is more complicated than one initially thought. "… stinkpot." "You!"

Exactly, and even the film leaves one doubting perception of reality versus the supernatural. Take Karras witnessing the head spin during the exorcism (here, referring to the film). If watched carefully, it is done in such a way that both Karras and audience are also doubt their own eyes and minds. Same can be said of

I've read and can appreciate others' comments regarding the development or evolution of Chris MacNeil's character in this series versus the film… but let us also add the source material — the original novel. In spite of her faults, Chris is indeed a mother who stands firm, albeit in terror, in her fight to save her

Regan — interesting twist. The years taken for the demon to set up the attack on her daughter Casey, via other family members and tragedies, and ultimately the attack on Angela/Regan lead one to naturally consider… revenge? With the pope coming to town, and the odd, wealthy benefactress whose place in all of this

Jenna is not David Miscavige's ex-wife. She is his niece.