Glengarry Ricky Ross

Pretty predictable episode. Once Tara saw a happy future I knew she was a goner. The park scene and Jax seeing Tara was pretty was great acting by both actors. OMG Gemma die already

All great points. I'm upset that Angela Basset probably won't win.

Knox's death was sooooo satisfying. Good episode.

Past reviews with importance or respected articles pertaining to games. You know… Like if he was to leave this job.. his credentials..stuff like that.

You get an up vote even though I despise the word "poser".

Credentials please.

After my protein shake brah.

WTF do you do? I don't accept the review of food judge if he/she was never a chef, so why should I accept this shitty review. I questioned his validity because he is not a gamer. I've owned all of Sony systems, all Xboxs, all Nintendos since nes, dream cast and genesis, Atari, ColecoVision, and have a mid range PC. So

This dude serious? Is he even a gamer?

Angela basset please wipe them out. I cannot stand Zoe. I find the voodoo black magic aspect more interesting anyway.

Episode deserved an A. I didn't want it to end. Hate Knox, but he's like a Joffery. Plays a bastard so damn good. I want him gone, but don't.. Can't wait till next week.

Van Alden's Walter White moment was so awesome. So badly wanted him to say, "your goddamn right". My favorite episode of the season. Can't wait for next week.

I just did not like this episode. I'm sick of Gemma on a warpath stories.. Move along the Clay escape and the war with the Irish already.

I felt a Forrest Gump moment when Wil listened in…"your uncle sure does care about your future son mmmmm" wil barks out,"EEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEE"

I agree its like a hangout spot or something.. I want to meet this council or higher power of witches already.

I didn't really care for this episode. Alot filler, Margret, no Harrow, and only a few lines from Randolph. Blahh!

Heroin? Sweet Heroin! I agree the actor is great, but I just can't forgive him for punching Eddie! Van Alden and Capone in small doses! NOOO! They give me Sunday chuckles.

I was so relieved that Eli recognized that handkerchief. That sniveling little Knox annoys me so much. Good episode, missed Capone grief time but hopefully next week will be a craw-less episode. I also liked how they showed the themes of most of the women and the men in their lives.

Lol! I agree with everything (especially the beautiful script) but no Margret!!!

Predictable, but a great episode, the best this season. I love/hate it because TWO of my favorite characters are gone. Even though Frank was not around as long as Eddie, I think he played such a slick gangster.