
GM invested in truck sales which are declining and has nothing to do with Evil Trump or Godlike Obama

That is so offensive! I’m never watching Japanese Porn ever again. Oh wait maybe I should watch more? Not everything is racist. The Japanese are the most racist society on earth. They even hate the Chinese who look exactly like them. Sorry it is true.

Obama should fly in-give a $400,000 speech and all will be well. Problem solved. 

O’Reilly did not take the rejection well. Apparently he told Walsh that she could forget about receiving his amazing career advice, and ridiculed her “ugly” black leather purse.-He should pay millions for the purse comment alone.

Im about the safest guy on the planet to be alone with-??????

Try not to use bad language as you appear uneducated and uninformed. If you want to discuss racism let’s talk about the election of Obama. Would you have voted for a white man named Jimmy McDonald with the same credentials as Obama? Doubtful. Try to stay focused on the issue at hand-poor judgment by an untrained

Keep calm and try to understand that this was poor judgment by a young and untrained teacher. Slavery has existed throughout history and has nothing to do with race-color-ethnicity-education. Slavery still exists today throughout the world and can still be found even in the USA today. The real error in the discussion