You having fun arguing something with yourself over there? So, what conversation are y'all having?
You having fun arguing something with yourself over there? So, what conversation are y'all having?
It's fun to talk! Conversations are harder.
Learn to read graphs.
You got me there.
I want to find at least one of those kids before this #RaceTogether thing is over. It'll be worth a few yucks.
I'm sure there is a silent majority out there; we can't be the only ones. Wanna mess them up? Tell them your name is Tall Vanilla Latte.
It's sad, it happened and it's a shame. Well, it's not a shame, but I wanted to use Faith No More lyrics at least once this weekend.
I should have written it your way. You always brighten my day!
(Then stop telling then that's your name.)
Why would we judge you just because you're a commie who hates America?
I find that if I give them the version of my name (that they're going to mess it up into anyway) then they spell it right almost every time.
Best way to take down corporate America from the inside? Let them do the dumb shit they come up with themselves.
I miss Borders. They had Simpsons Scrabble for a month or two then they left us.
So was the idea to have a conversation with the barista who wrote RaceTogether on your cup? What if the line is 20+ people long and they chose you to talk about race while everyone is staring at you–now the cause of the line's holdup?! That would be anxiety to the max!
I find it's easy to come to your senses and apologize for something you've done after the entire internet yells at you for months.
Rage, RAGE against the dying of the light! (And listen to your father)
Neither could it's inventor.
vice-versa. And, to me, Japanese food tastes cleaner and has balanced flavors.
No one, but no one, has to get married. Tell aunt Edna to go fuck herself.