
Agree 100%. Because crash test data can be quantified a lot easier I don’t think it will ever go away. But in trying to make vehicles safer for people inside, they have gotten more dangerous for people outside.

I think I agree, but I really haven't taken a deep dive into Zimmerology.

As a fan of smaller cars I love the fact that this thing looks very much like is based on a 2 door American luxo-barge, huge on the outside, not so big on the inside, but probably looks pretty small and tidy up close and personal.  I would love to see one in the flesh, but no way would I buy it, whatever goodness was

So this is an NA 2.0 liter Esprit, last I checked they didn’t bring this kind of money all put together, but I am sure I am behind the times, anyway, no dice.

17 seconds and Manwich are both right. I am old enough to remember, these were considered pretty crappy cars when new, and they are objectively even more crappy by modern standards, but that makes them pretty unique and very different to drive than a modern vehicle. You will immediately notice that there appear to be

Thanks, that is a much more meaningful explanation than was provided in the Jalop article.

I am scared to google it

I need a lot more data on this one. If the self driving car identified the dog 75 feet down the road while traveling at 25 mph that is quite different than the dog jumped off the curb and stepped into the vehicles path 20 feet in front while going 50 mph. If the accident was reasonably avoidable by a human driver then

I love the outside, but that interior just looks too much like cheap trying to be fancy

Jag XK8, just an amorphous blob, the interior manifestation of the worst of 90s “melted bar of soap” styling. Also, looks like something only old white guys is sansabelt slacks (think Ted Knight in Caddyshack, white shoes and polyester pants) would think of as fancy and fashionable.

My mom had a Saturn Ion

An unenthusiastic nice price from me. It looks to be in very nice shape and someone will probably snatch it up for that price, even though not to the most desirable spec.

I always thought the MB5 was pretty cool

NO, you need 1800ccs and loud pipes to be safe on a bike, everybody knows that. I’d better mention that, this being the internet, my comment was meant sarcastically.

I owned a motorcycle for about 5 years and never took the rear wheel off.  Why would you take the rear wheel off a few times a year?

Most everything gets better if you double your budget. This new Honda looks like fun to me. I have been looking for something fun to bop around the neighborhood in, run errands travel nice days. I have no desire to ride a motorcycle on the highway. Have done it, to each their own, not my thing.

It kind of drives me nuts, and yes it is not just cars, some people don’t seem to like to provide any information about something they are trying to sell. My crazy mind thinks if I am trying to sell something, the person who is thinking about buying it probably wants to know something about it. This gets exponentially

Agree 100%, as I said in another comment before I read yours, even if I had this kind of money to spend unwisely, I can’t imagine ever spending my money that unwisely. Rapidly depreciating asset with no warranty and unknown but more than likely high to very high maintenance and repair costs. I like cars, but I can’t

Now playing

You are not thinking of the question broadly enough

While I understand that this is a not far from new car at much less than new price, that is the perspective from looking backwards. From what I understand, successful people tend to look forwards. Looking forwards I see a nice but still expensive car, out of warranty, still rapidly depreciating, with a significant