
It’s not a mistake, a mistake is a typo, a mistake is missing a meeting. He was asked to review a car. Its not like when I got a car and my dear departed mother would politely ask, what kind is it?, what color is it?, and that would be the extent of the interest.

You have inadvertently or maybe advertently captured the beauty of these pretty XJs. In their time they were considered to be both smooth and luxurious and a good handling large sports sedan. Tbe whitewall car says luxury sedan, the blackwalls are all the business and make the car look much more purposeful. In the

They made the XJ6 for a long time, and you still see them for sale on a pretty regular basis (assuming everybody is like me and you do regular Craigslist and Facebook searches on all cars built before 1995 or so).

I test drove a regular FD RX7 when they were new. They were having trouble selling them and offering a lease of something like $350 a month, which I could have afforded except I had many pints off my license already and insurance would have been a killer.

You don’t see many of these for sale (says captain obvious), but there was one on my extended local Craigslist search about a year ago. Had rust, not scared to drive it rust, just crunchy around the corners rust, and was, as I recall, being offered for about $4000.

The front is stunning, while I see the connection in the rear view to some prior Alfa show cars, it looks too heavy and doesn't work as well.

It is good for a giggle or two if I saw it going down the road, I am glad it exists, but no way am I paying $6,500 dollars for it.

Written stories are better than videos for this kind of content, the number of comments here (three now with mine included) is a reflection of that.

Agreed. Objectively better, but not necessarily better to me. I have old old cars I drive for fun, I could daily them, but really wouldn’t want to. My regular daily driver is 20 years old and has all the tech and safety I need. About the only gripe is relatively bad MPG to performance ratio compared to most anything

Not new, my comment didn’t disappear, it went into the grays, but for all I tents and purposes.  Apparently I am not all the way grayed out. I do notice more stuff disappearing since the latest team/iteration of Jalop.  

Jalopnik deleting this comment:

I lukewarm nice price. Fix the minor cosmetic flaws and enjoy it. Cheap enough and depreciated out enough that maybe worth rolling the giant, cold hearted teutonic dice on how long before an expensive repair or two pops up.

Deleted-life is too short

I think that is what I meant when I said “see also...” Nice try Peter

Like the username, I had a '67 BGT.  Hopelessly rusty when I optimistically bought it many years ago, still was a fun ride.

You can say that about most any car from decades ago, yet a significant chunk of the population still wants them, enough to drive the price of a old cars well over the practical comparison test that you are applying.

I was ready to go my usually used premium German car, bad buy, expensive to maintain depreciating asset. But other than what I just said I am having trouble finding fault with this one. Looks like a nice car, reasonable miles, good condition, probably owned by somebody who garaged and maintained it.

How is this no dice?, let me count the ways:

Oui Oui

You really get an idea of the car’s quality and what the French call I don’t know what when you look under the hood (that is a stunning engine compartment) and in the interior. This is a classy, exclusive vehicle. I have no idea what the market is exactly, but assume a lot. I am giving this a nice price. Facel Vega