The Gleib

Oh ya? Well check out these costumes that are home made!

I enjoyed these episodes but I am beginning to notice a trend; where Futurama has stupid (but hilarious) beginnings to situations, it tends to treat the episodes as one story rather than one thing leading to the next thing then that thing leading to the next... etc. whereas it is becoming more like The Simpsons

I just went from complaining about Windows 8 and how tablets suck to wanting both... But only together. Thank you Microsoft for getting back in the game.

The creature at the end looked kind of adorable and yet still laughable. Seriously, the whole audience in my theater laughed because it was so contrived.

I couldn't help but notice throughout the movie that both the Engineers and Guy Pearce's characters makeup looked less than believable. Why are all aliens depicted without pockets? Surely a race that can kill themselves with black goo that creates monsters can create the infinitely useful pocket. Aesthetics can help

I think Apple cares too much about thickness. I wouldn't mind a tiny bit bigger laptop as long as it didn't burn me every time I used it and cut my wrists every time I rest my arms on it.

I immediately watched the first MIB when I got home to prevent myself from disliking the franchise after seeing this movie. That being said, MOST of the effects were amazing - with the exception of some full body character movements such as Smith and the fish going out the window (this one is particularly egregious

It was super difficult to see the eclipse up here in Edmonton, Alberta. I think I got maybe 3 or 4 good pictures total. And 3 of them were with an infrared filter. I tried making a shadow box (camera obscura) for my young cousins to watch but it barely functioned.

Steven Moffat, James Nesbitt, the music, the evolution of plot, the character development, the non-linear story telling, god, this show was amazing. Just a perfect execution.

If they could mix Better Off Ted with 3rd Rock I would be a very happy camper.

My way would have been to superglue the thinnest neodymium disks to my arm and then you can move them when the next ipod comes out.

I would argue that it is a whale placenta.

I am getting a different effect...

This reminds me of the feeling you get when you see something totally awe inspiring. Cracked had an article about it a while ago. Apparently it is an actual condition; I got it when I saw the Pyramids. You get that feeling that there is some greater purpose - like you are the protagonist in a movie who has to do

#3 Is that Alpha? That is totally Alpha. God I loved the MIB cartoon.

I keep seeing comments about how the trailer shows the ship crashing and therefor they stopped the bad guys; but I think many are forgetting what the Nostromos found. The Space Jockey's chest had exploded outwards...

RIP Star Burns.

But there is life on Earth. That makes 1. How many planets do we know exist? That one in however many thousands (of confirmed planets we can see) and you get a very small fraction. Small, but infinitely larger than zero. It makes a big difference.

I prefer the get-rich-quick scheme. I could just write some code to make all the fractions of a cent round down and put the difference in a bank account. No one would ever notice!

Agreed. I wasn't very impressed with her acting; although that could have been the terribly slow and uninteresting plot of "Another Earth". Not only did they take an extreme premise and dull it down, but I found myself getting fridge-logic during the movie because I was so uninterested. Fantastic concepts need to be