The Gleib

Agreed. Apart from the obvious reason, there are MANY places where a waterproof bag capable of stretching to great sizes and being clear enough to take a picture through would come in handy. Douglas Adams would testify to this (he had to cover a mic to record dolphins in Japan). Of course, this only works with

That is totally true. There was some serious engineering behind making this slide safe.

The World Waterpark in Edmonton, Alberta has an upside down, looping slide. They just put it in last summer. You stand on a trap door that drops out from under you. There is an escape hatch if you don't make it over - I saw someone not make it yesterday. The slide is semi-transparent and when people start going

It wouldn't really be an issue if the word was widely used for extruding in CG. Or if Adobe were a French company. Or if they used it in any other of their programs (Illustrator has a 3D extrude). But they pretty much did it only cause it sounds cool.

I said the same thing to a friend at a photography store show/sale. He was a much more advanced photographer than I and yet he insisted the d800 was awesome because of the megapixels and didn't at all understand that they let so little light in.

I have found that TBBT has gotten more and more like TaAHM as it got more popular. It is one of the few shows that I started disliking the more other people liked it. The quality definitely suffered to cater to more fans.

What? Are you talking about remote areas? Canada has a huge population; it just happens to be way smaller by comparison. Canada has around 35 million people. New York City has around 8 million. We Canadians just have a lot more space.

OMG So good. I normally don't like horror movies so during the massacre I actually said "I'm laughing and crying!" I also may have inadvertently cheered when Marty hit the zombie with his bong. It is the first movie I actually would pay $15 to see again. If movies were all this good, theaters wouldn't have to have

Here is some of my opinion:

We actually have dinosaurs on our $1 coins. They are called Loonies and they have a loon on them.

My girlfriend dressed as slut-Jessie to fight them off. And even the playing field.

I was Buzz Lightyear for Halloween ( A REALLY elaborate costume) and I took it out to the local club for the costume contest and a really drunk guy came up to me and yelled "Oh my god! BUZZ ALDRIN!".

Or save her like when she was saved (as Fouxlivia) because she didn't know something from the Alt-Verse.

I meant that he only brought Laurie to Mars because he knew he was going to bring her there and she would convince him to come back.

I think Jericho should be substituted for Reaper. Reaper was hilariously awesome.

I am tired of waiting. If there are only going to be 12 or so episodes a year, can we please just have them once a month? That would really make me happy.

To be fair, Dr. Manhattan was only convinced through use of a stable time loop.

Things I want from the new Photoshop:

This is an incredibly stupid thing to do - a wheelchair is a large blunt object that risks hitting the women as she bounces; it also adds more weight than a person who needs a wheelchair can handle pulling on their body. I worked as a Jump Master at a bungee tower for some time and we generally carried people in

The little guy never ever heard the cameraman coming.