The Gleib

I only just realized how much this is true. I lent my old camera (Nikon D60) to the guys at work while the regular camera was temporarily out of commission - and found out that I am the only person at work capable of taking a decent picture with it because I am the only one who knows how to use a camera properly

Based on the wife's demeanor happiness is apparently not contagious.

I once went into a fancy* jean store after seening a 70% off sign. The cheapest I saw was $400... it was on sale from $700. So for those douchey types who spend as much on jeans as they do on drugs, $800 isn't too expensive.

"Pakan actually waits in the rain so that he can capture his subjects moments after a downpour,..."

What even happened to the cave people anyways? They were in the first movie and not even a hint of them in the rest.

Isn't that what happened with Buckaroo Banzai?

He is clearly just trying out his new cell phone.

Yes, I am referring to a supertelephoto lens. Not just a zoom lens. It is more of a colloquial usage i suppose. I also rarely call a "prime" lens by its name.

Well, why not have both? Guidraco venator isn't a dinosaur so we can choose 1 dinosaur and 1 other and 1 mammal.

I should clarify: *for under $7000.

Well the laser gets hotter but the target gets colder.

I am still waiting to hear for the replacement to the 300s. Either that or I will just get a 300s for super cheap as they are getting fazed out - except there is this little voice inside my head saying "get the newest one!"

f/2.8 slow? Please. Try getting anywhere near that speed for a zoom lens. Once you get used to shooting with a max of f/4, f/2.8 is light staring into the sun.

This was significantly better than the above timelapse.

It always gets me to where I am going. Every time I have tried it I have arrived at maximum 2 blocks from my destination and the person I follow has never once been going to the same place - just nearby.

When I am driving and get lost, I always follow a car that looks as if it know where it is going. And just like in the book, this has always worked for me. Always.

Not only that, it is in orbit.

That is exactly what I was thinking. I bet the change in pressure doesn't help either. Still, it probably has similar reasons as to the airplane food.

Wait, no one else participates in "Black Tie Back Trailing"?

It is pretty clear the pictures are composites - one with someone holding the baby and one with no one in it. The person holding the baby is removed and the space filled in with the other picture. Simple, clean, and natural light/shadows. The baby is not cut and pasted.