The Gleib

Shows are relying too much on the final episode. They build it up and can't think of a satisfying way to tear it down; there just isn't enough time. Think back to Children of Earth or the awesome Jekyll, it wasn't that they were short that made them better, it was that the writers were treating each episode like an

I use wireless cards at work for my camera and they are wonderful compared to the $1000 alternative that are available for cameras. Seriously, the only people who would need those expensive ones are people in war zones and movie shoots.

I think his new problem is finding lenses that will allow him to use this sensor at the same effectiveness as a full frame. And what is he photographing that takes 7.5 Polaroids? Is he talking about the instant film? WTF?

First off, No Heroics was amazing and I wouldn't mind an American version if they did it right... And maybe brought in the old cast/writers. You know what? They should just un-cancel it.

"Me" is actually correct here. Say it without the pregnant wife part: "A scammer conned me..."

It could also be because the contrast is higher between the buttons and the background. The square buttons are lighter and the straight line makes it look like a second box while the round ones are clearly separate from their surroundings.

That and you don't get stupid crust-less middle pieces.

Sure Notepad++ works well but not if you need live updates and intricate CSS.

Sea Monkeys get dirty and have tiny plastic homes. If this can become a relatively cheap alternative (at least for adults) it will likely become one of the best novelty gifts around. Now, does anyone know how to freeze dry a jelly so that it can 'hatch before my eyes'?

While no amateur will be able to make something as well as someone with coding experience, Dreamweaver and Fireworks are some of the most horribly made programs that make coding a tedious and inefficient task that even pros find annoying. CS5 only lacked significant improvements in their web programs; so while this

My thoughts exactly. Want to know about human nature? Watch 100 people do something nice and then 1 person do something to destroy the entire thing. I think the project does an impressive job at showing the generosity of some and the selfishness/destructiveness of others.

When the Macbook Air first came out, I went to see how light it was and accidentally unplugged the only thing it was attached to. It took nearly 5 minutes of the alarm sounding before an employee came to turn off the alarm from under the table and make sure I hadn't stolen the thing. It was also the closest thing to

I think you need not be feeling apologetic; the kid deserves to be fired, that is just bad business. If you walked into a store and some employee came and kept harassing you to this extent, he would be fired for sure. Email etiquette is a professional thing and should be treated as such.

There needs to be more sane people in the show comparing what is happening to the Holocaust. Seriously, the amount of times anyone in a discussion panel or on the news could have said one thing about how this is exactly how the Holocaust went and the entire place would immediately second guess their decisions is

Yay dinosaurs!

Warehouse 13 seems to have a lot of new staff; and they are all Girl Scouts.

I feel compelled to say that I genuinely loved this episode. It was classic Futurama hilarity. I have been hating on this season so far for the same reasons as above: they can easily be reworked to any other show. Last nights Futurama was great and I hope the rest are as ridiculous and funny.

I didn't realize giraffe babies were called "zoos".

It would have made (some) sense as a screen saver. Now the whole Powerpoint presentation? That is a whole different story. BBC shows like Doctor Who, (other) Torchwood seasons, Jekyll, etc. actually avoid those when they aren't attributed to bizarre alien technology.

I realize there are more episodes this season, but I feel that this was the one we should have started to find out at least a little about the big bad. The motivation for the assassin and the killing of the 'Dead is Dead' lady seems a bit out of place without a hint of a reason. A little about the big bad would also